Asami: Hey Oni-Chan come under the umbrella it is raining

Izumaki: Don't worry Asami I am fine

Asami: Come on get under the umbrella you are going to get sick

Izumaki then stops and looks down.

Izumaki: Why...

Asami: Why what Oni-Chan?

Izumaki: Why did you have to get a boyfriend!!

Asami just kept quiet and looks down.

Izumaki: You haven't been close to me these past few days and now you get a boyfriend!!

Asami: Because I am in love with you Oni-Chan!!

Asami then kisses Izumaki on the lips, but Izumaki pushes her off.

Asami: Why Oni-Chan?

Izumaki: We are siblings you know that...

Asami just stands up and runs away into the street.

Asami: Onii-Chan you baka...

|Izumaki Pov|

Izumaki: I guess that brings us up to date. Thinking about it now I guess maybe I did love her well I won't be living long enough to tell her that I guess

|Kinzaki Pov|

Kinzaki: I am Kinzaki Sinuyashi I am a 15-year-old introvert. I don't really have any friends and I spend my time indoors, but I have run out of energy drinks but now I am going to die because of it how did it fucking get to this

*Flash back*

Kinzaki is seen inside of a dark room with the tv on and he was playing some doom eternal. Kinzaki then pauses the game and stands up.

Kinzaki: It seems I've ran out of energy drinks oh well

Kinzaki then wear a black hoodie and gets out of his house. We then see him going into the store.

Kinzaki: Hm? are those my classmates?

Kinzaki then looks to the counter and sees two girls.

Kinzaki: The beauty on the right is Manami. She is my classmate and is the queen of our class. The girl on the right is the delinquent Mugino she is often avoided by everyone since she gets mad every second you talk to her what are they buying?

Kinzaki then looks over the two girls and he saw that they were buying a bat.

Kinzaki: What are they buying that for? oh well not my problem

Kinzaki then walks to the beverages and pulls out a pack of red bull. He then pays for his things, and he walks out and hears a sound and walks to an alleyway and sees that Manami was beating Mugino with the bat they just bought.

Manami: How is that? you deserve this for kissing him!!

Mugino is just on the ground taking the beating.

Manami: Come on say something this won't be fun if you keep quiet!!

A boy with black hair and walks up to them and he starts laughing at Mugino and he kisses Manami while Mugino looks shocked and starts crying. Kinzaki then walks up to them.

Kinzaki: What the fuck are you guys doing?

Boy: Who are you? If you don't want to be in danger, then go away

Kinzaki: And just let this happen? As sadistic as I am this isn't something I can ignore

Manami: Just leave or else we will frame this on you!!

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