8. The Face-Off

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Natasha was trying secretly to find the quantum sute and trackers. But she didn't get any clue. She was three months of pregnant now. Clint and Lauara were so happy about this news. Clint didn't believe at first but he did when Natasha explained him everything. She hasn't told anyone about Steve and his real identity.

The fact that someone tried to kill him and stolen the quantum sutes, proves that someone knew about his time travel. It was also getting late, almost four months. So there could be chance in failing to travel, if the tracker would have expired, if it's possible. So they need to be quick. Time was running out of hand.

One night,  Natasha and Steve sneaked into Alexander Pierce's house and tried to find the trackers. Steve had told her everything about Hydra's heinous plans to kill millions of people using the Hallicarriers, and Pierce was the leader of them. So they decided to break into his house.

But it was no use. They couldn't find that. Defeated, they walked towards their car as they had parked at a little distance. Suddenly someone attacked Steve from behind, he fell on the ground with his face first. Natasha bent down to help him, but when she turned to her side, she saw Him. Captain Steve Rogers.

Natasha held Steve's arm and helped him to stand up. Steve looked at Natasha," I told you. I'll find who's that. And here we are. But I didn't  understand, how can this disguised alien trap you, a super intelligence spy?"

Natasha stood in front of Steve as a shield. " Stay out of it, Captain. It's nothing to do with you. I'm trapped or whatever, I can deal with it. "

Steve shighed," Romanoff, don't believe him. He's not real. He can hurt you, and others. So I'm telling you, get away from him. I'll handle him. "

She wanted to spat back at him, but stopped as she felt her boyfriend's hand on her shoulder. " Natasha, you leave. We'll have a real talk. " And glared at his own pastself.

Without further ado, Steve launched at them, Natasha was still in the middle. Steve pushed her out of the way and grabbed Steve's wrist, twisted it and kneed his back and he fell on the ground with his face first this time. " It'll hurt like hell. " Steve muttered. Steve turned towards him, still laying on the ground. Steve shook his head," Yeah yeah, don't be shocked. I don't care about language anymore. " Instantly Steve swept his legs under him and he fell on his back as he pinned him against the ground. Steve shighed again," Damn, You know your weakness. " And threw a hard blow on his face.

Steve reacted fast and held Steve in chock from behind. Natasha stepped in as she saw her boyfriend was struggling to breath. Unintentionally Steve pushed Natasha with his free hand and she fell on the ground. Steve's eyes widened as he knew she was pregnant and any injury could be dangerous. He elbowed at Steve's face and ran towards Natasha after freeing himself. " Natasha?, You alright ?" , he scanned her body in concern.

She nodded at him," I'm okay. "

Steve turned around to find his own pastself holding his nose as blood dripping from it. He marched at him," Don't worry, you'll heal in a second. But you're forgetting your rules. We don't hurt others during fight." And punched at him again. They heard police siren nearby. Steve looked at Natasha," Nat, get in the car. I'll be there. "  She nodded and ran towards their car and Steve picked Steve from the ground and hid behind a wall nearby.

Steve fought back and pinned him against the wall pressing his throat. Steve struggled to breath, and decided to make him believe," I'm not some alien....I'm you, Steve Rogers, from future. "

Steve loosened his grip but didn't let go ," I don't believe you."

Steve nodded tiredly," Your father's accident wasn't your fault. Your mom's death wasn't your fault. " Steve was shocked. " Bucky is alive. Hydra is controlling his mind. I know that...Because I'm from future...thirteen years in future. From 2025. "

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