7. Love Or Responsibility

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Steve waiting outside the doctor's cabin as she was doing the check ups on Natasha. He made his mind. Its time to tell her everything. It would be so unfair if he kept quiet. She has the right go know.

The doctor's voice broke his chain of thoughts," Mr Rogers, You can come inside. " He nodded and went inside, his lips broke into a smile as he saw Natasha, her eyes were welling up in happy tears. He sat beside her holding her hands. Doctor smiled at them," You're three weeks pregnant Ms Rommanof. Everything looks fine, you'll have to come here after next two weeks again. "

They talked for few moments then left the hospital. They were heading towards the exit, she saw Steve was coming into the hospital. She pulled her boyfriend, Steve, to another room. He looked at her in confusion, she cleared her throat, trying to find some excuse," Uh..I think...I just saw an agent of SHIELD. " He nodded still not fully convinced.

She made sure that Captain Rogers was no where to be seen and dragged Steve out and almost ran out of the hospital. Steve made her stop," You stay here I'll get the car from parking lot. " She nodded in reply and he rushed towards his car.

He was about to open the car door, he heard something behind him, he was shocked as he saw, Ancient Won, Doctor Strange's magic teacher, the current time stone holder, in 2012. She stepped closer to him," You shouldn't be doing this Captain Rogers. Even you know it very well. "

He stood there speechlessly, because the best decision maker of the Avengers team couldn't find the answers if his own questions. She continued, feeling his inner emotions," I understood that right away when you came to me to return the time stone. But I didn't expect you doing it actually. "

He shighed a shaky breath," But why always it has to be me? Why I couldn't get the chance to breakdown in tears? Why I had to be strong faced for others? "

Her eyes softened," That's why you're considered as the idealist human being. That's why you could posses the power of a God. "

A tear dropped from his eyes," But I don't want to. I don't wanna live putting on a mask anymore. The trading rule of soul stone is so unfair. Why?"

She nodded at him," I understand your pain Captain. But she's destined to make her own decisions. That's why even your love and your son's memory couldn't shake her determination. Even this time , I'm letting you know, respect her choice, whatever it would be. " Saying this, she disappeared in a golden portal.

He wiped his tears and stepped inside the car. He came out if the parking lot, Natasha sat at the passenger seat next to him with a constant smile on her face. He looked at her in a serious face," Natasha, we need to talk. Whatever I was trying previously I'll tell you everything. "

She nodded at him," Okay, when we'll get home." The rest of the ride was silence. She was so happy, but what about Steve? She thought he forgot about that topic.

As soon as they go home, they went to his room. She was so nervous as he shighed deeply holding her hands," You have no way but to trust me Nat. I love you, I really do. You know that right?"

She had no doubt on that, she nodded confidently. He continued next," You're from Russia, you've a adopted sister, Yelena. And adopted parents, Melina and Alexi. " She was completely shocked. Not even Clint knew about it, other than her being Russian. " You're a graduate from red room. "

She couldn't believe what's he saying. How could he know that? He continued again, this time with much difficulty and painfully," You were sterilized there. "

She gasped at him," How do you know ?"

He held her hand tighter," Natasha, I'm not the Steve Rogers you're thinking. I'm...from future. " She was more shocked than ever. " I'm from 2025. I've travelled back in time."

He looked at her shell shocked face," In future, there would be a giant monster from titan planet. He would wanna kill half of the population, by using the super powered infinity stones. Space, mind, time, power, reality and soul stone. He would set them in a gountlet and make half of the  population dissapere in just a snap. We tried, we tried our best, but couldn't prevent it. He did it. "

He noticed her reaction, she was stunned. " Few years later, we travelled back in time and collected those stones, so that we could snap and bring those vanished people back. " He paused rewinding that painful moment. " We did it. We successfully brought everyone back. But in this process...we..lost someone. "

He looked into her eyes, trying to make her believe," They were in Vormir, to bring the soul stone. "

Surprising herself she got her voice back," Who's that?"

His eyes welled up in tears," That person who always thought she's a monster, always thought she's unwanted, sacrificed her life to save the billions of people. My partner, my love, my...my wife and...the mother of my son. "

That look almost confirmed about whom he was talking. Her eyes widened," That's...me?" , He just nodded at her. Her breathing was quickening," You mean, we're gonna marry in future ?", he nodded again," We would have a son?" , he nodded again.

She stood up from her seat breathlessly," Oh my God. It's unbelievable. " She turned towards him," So it means, You only loved me...because you lost..."

He interrupted her, quickly standing on his feet, grabbing her hands desperately," No no. No Natasha. God no. I would die before turning this low. You would never be someone's replacement. I never imagined that way. I've always thought of you as same way as Natasha. That's it. I felt like I lost you  somewhere in 2025 then found you here in 2012. The same as always. I've loved you since the beginning. From the moment when you had broken in to my apartment, without my permission. "

Her eyes welled up with tears," Then why did you pull away when I kissed you first time?"

He shighed squeezing her palms," Because, I thought what you'll think about me when I'll tell you everything truth. It means you believe me ?"

She nodded slowly ," Kind of. Because I've already met the other Steve Rogers at SHIELD headquarters, many times. "

He was utterly shocked," What?!! How ...I mean when ?!!"

She shook her head," It's a long story. Wait!!, You said you have...I mean, we have a son, in future, in your real timeline. It means you've to go back ?", her voice became quieter. 

He nodded lowering his head, then looked at her in a hopeful look," How about both of us?"

She looked in his eyes," Is it..possible?"

He had no clear answer," I'm not sure if it's.."

She insisted," If it is possible, then can I go back with you? It'll make me restless, I can't live without you here, not that I can ask you to leave our son. "

His heart leapt in happiness as she said our son. " I know, but it's risky.."

She cupped his cheek looking into his eyes," I wanna be there where my heart will be Steve. And that place is right beside you. "

Her flashback flowed in his mind ", my home is there where my heart is. And you're holding my heart. " Natasha, his wife, had told him once. That proved why the both Natasha were same. 

He blinked to stop his tears," Okay, but you've to help me to find the quantum sute and trackers. "

She looked at him shockingly," Did you loose them ?"

He nodded," Yeah. That night, when I got shot. "

Her eyes widened, his eyes gave the same reaction as they met with hers. " It means, we're not the only ones who knows about you. " He nodded at her, connecting the dots.



So how's the Multiverse drama?

How both of them will come back to present time line?

Sorry if I wrote Dr Strange's teacher's name wrong 😊😐

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