1. The Soul Realm

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After a month of Natasha's funeral, Steve volunteered himself to return the infinity stones. The whole month he saw the people around him. And no one was happy. Natasha had been a part in everyone's life. Wanda was numb, couldn't react anything as soon as Natasha's name comes. And Bucky was her support system. A brave faced shoulder to cry on.

Sam was in so much pain. Natasha was like a sister to him, after losing her he couldn't face James as he always loved to tell him his mother's story during those times when they were on the run from the government. The same situation was with Maria. So they understandably asked each other to have a little time apart. It was tough for them, but Sam had to take care of his own sister and her two kids, so they both agreed maturely.

Clint was a total mess. He was blaming himself deep inside, irrespective of how much everyone says it wasn't his fault. They were scared if he would catch depression. Luckily, Laura was trying her best to cope with her husband. Their three kids were so close to Natasha, so they were in so much pain.

Tony and Pepper were trying to stop by everyone and cheer them up despite they themselves were mourning for Natasha. Pepper always tries to distract James by bringing him to their place to play with Morgan, but it was no use.

Most of all, James was the one who was suffering the most. He would scream in his sleep calling for his mother. Steve had to stay awake for hours to put him back in sleep. His own condition was like hell. He couldn't control himself as soon as James remembers his mother. He cried himself to sleep in the middle of the night. He would never get tired of pretending to be strong.

Yelena visited them few weeks ago but James didn't leave his father's side, scared of the thought that he would also disappear if he let him go for a moment. So she left heartbtokenly, not able to witness the father and son being in so much pain.

So Steve decided to do something on his own. He decided to be the one who would return the infinity stones. He called Tony and Bruce and informed them about it. They knew he would be definitely hopeful to bring Natasha back, they tried to stop him but he was determined.

Next morning Steve dropped James at Clint's place. James started to sob holding tightly to his father's neck. " No daddy, please don't go. "

He stood him up on his feet and knelt down," I promise I'll be back soon. And daddy never breaks his promise right ?"

Tears streamed from his cheeks as he was clinging on to Steve," But mommy didn't come back."

Steve looked up to Clint who was standing with glossy eyes. Then he looked at James," I'll fight with the God and ask him to give your mommy back okay? I'll try my best. Can you trust me ?" James nodded and hugged him again. Laura came to the doorstep as she saw them. Steve wiped James' tears and forced a smile at him," Be good to aunt Laura okay? I'll be back before you know it."

Laura smiled and picked him up taking him inside. Clint shighed looking at Steve ," You better keep your promise Steve. He needs you. Please try to not get yourself in trouble. "

He nodded at him," I know. I can't be too overwhelmed by my thoughts. I know there is someone waiting for me. I'll be okay. " They nodded and he left towards Avengers Facility.

Tony handed him two nano-quantum suits. Steve looked at him surprised so he rolled his eyes at him," I know what your stubborn mind is thinking. What you trying to do about...her. So I won't stop you, but please don't get your hopes up too high. Just finish it off and come back safely. "

Steve nodded at him and stood up on the quantum station. He picked the stones and Thor's hammer. The machine roared as he signalled Bruce to start it. Sam and Bucky wished him good luck, then he disappeared into the quantum realm.

He successfully returned all the stones, except, Soul and mind stone. He reached at Vormir. The red planet was giving him a chill in his spine. Knowing Natasha sacrificed herself here was enough to dry his throat. With heavy and painful footsteps, he walked ahead and ahead. His walk stopped as he saw the dark shadow moved towards him.

The shadow cleared as the red skull appeared from the hood. " Welcome, son of Sarah , to the soul realm. "

Steve flinched as he heard and saw his life long enemy. " How come you always get this lucky? I thought you died as your body disappeared into nothingness. "

Red Skull laughed at him," This is worse than death itself for me Captain. You haven't changed a little, Still has the straight forward attitude."

He nodded at him," Yeah, guess something never change. "

Red Skull led Steve ahead," What brought you here ? the stone is not here if yore looking for it. "

Steve followed him," I'm here to return it. "

Red Skull extended his hand towards the cliff ," Then throw it down the cliff. "

Steve shighed in determination," I have a question. If I return the soul stone , can I get back the the living soul who sacrificed themselves to get It?"

The guardian of the soul stone saw right through him,"I don't know surely if you could get the sacrificed soul in return, but a Soul without a body is useless. And practically, your wife is physically dead. "

He clinched his jaw to stop himself from breaking down," How its not possible ? You said the rule of the trade is a soul for a Soul. A person sacrificed herself to get the stone then how come the soul stone can't return the person ?"

The red skull's eyes softened for his arch enemy," Rules are not made as per our desire, Captain Rogers. You know that more than anyone. Your wife selflessly sacrificed herself, this was her own choice, and the infinity soul stone wouldn't disgrace her wish. You can't get her back. "

Steve dropped down on his knees as he felt air removed from his body," Then why not? Why not this crulest rule applicable for everyone ? Why it's always has to be me ?"

Red Skull looked at him, his hate for him was replacing with pity," I'll must say, you both were true soulmates. Both didn't care about yourselves, thought about the world's greater good. But what you got in return ? Sadness, pain, lonlyness, longing for each other and regret for choosing the path."

Steve nodded as he realised what his death wisher was saying is true. " Sometimes, I hate them. I really hate the cruel and selfish people living in that world. Who always snatched the precious things from me. But then I realises, she was also one of them. To whom I loved so much. And learned another different prospective of life. She once was a deadly killer, but changed herself into a world saviour. And just like that, my hate towards them disappears. "

The red skull moved by his emotions," Then go back to the world. Where you can find your loved one again. There's nothing left for you here. It's just a dead end. You can't undo this. You can't take your wife back from here. " With that he dissapered in the shadow.

Steve sat in the same position as tears dropped from his eyes continuously," I was so hopeful Nat. So hopeful that I can make the trade with the fate. But I have to admit, there are also something which remains impossible. And I think bringing you back is one of them. I'm sorry Natasha, I couldn't do it. I failed. I love you Nat. " He sat there for an hour. Then stood up and set the coordinate to New York, 2012. To return the mind stone in Loki's septer.


So here is the first chapter of the story. The sequel of Reason for Stay Alive.

So stick with it friends, this is gonna be more interesting in New York, when he'll face the Natasha from 2012.


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