Chapter 38: Impossible!

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Xander's Perspective

To say that I was excited would be the biggest understatement of all time because I honestly couldn't find a word to describe how I am feeling right now. I'm gonna be a father. A FATHER!!! I wonder what my child will look like? Will they have my hair or Angel's? Will they have his or my eyes? I'm so excited to meet them.

When I found out that Angel was pregnant I passed out like a bitch but can you blame me. I had just gotten news that I am gonna be a father so I was beyond shocked because I wasn't expecting to have a child right now due to certain circumstances and now I have to handle this war before Angel gets further along in his pregnancy because I swear on everything holy that if he and my unborn pup gets hurts nothing is gonna stop me or more so Aries from causing mass destruction.

Angel decided to go out with Chantelle while I went up to my office to put things in place for this upcoming war.

I had sent notice to our allied packs and neighboring supernaturals of the war and they all agreed to fight against the sirens. My pack alone could take all of them out but the sirens were nasty unruly creatures that would do anything to get their way so I was taking every step possible to ensure victory.

I decided to spend a few more hours in my office to finalize the war script. Hmm I wonder what Angel is up to?


Angel's Perspective

Uncle Chantelle and I decided to go out for little shopping spree because he said that we didn't spend much time together which is true because my royal duties keep me busy 24/7. I don't know how I was able to get today off but I'm definitely not complaining. It's been a minute since I had a nice little spoil day for myself and I was taking full advantage.

"So, my dear nephew, tell me what's been going on in your life. Ever since you took over as queen I hardly see you anymore and I miss having spa days with you you little shit." The audacity.

"First of all I am a saint (liar). Secondly, life's been good for the most part. Only thing really is my royal and mate duties. I mean I know I'm the queen but damn I didn't know running a supernatural nation was this hard. I have a new found respect for Xander and speaking of which, I swear that alpha of mine is 5 instead of 18. He's literally an adult baby because I'm always cleaning up after him hahaha. I'm not complaining though because that's my big baby."

°Awww I love you baby°

°I love you too. Now get out my head and get back to work°

°Sir yes sir!°

I laughed as the link was cut and Uncle C was looking at me wird.

"Sorry about that. Xander was mind linking me." I explained and he nodded with a smile. "No worries, so, anything else you wanna tell me?" He had a sly smirk on his face as he questioned me and I slightly cut my eyes at him. "Not really, no. Well other than the fact that my powers have been surging a lot these days." I think he knew that I was pregnant and I wouldn't be surprised because he finds out everything without doing jack shit.

"Hmm ok, if you say s- he got cut off and when I looked I saw him being dragged away with a metal mask over his face. I was about to use my powers before I felt something shift in my head and I saw black.


I woke up with a painful groan. I tried to reach up to rub my head and realized that my arms were restrained with some kind of magical shackles. I pulled on it and it shocked the fuck out of me. I hissed and looked around the foreign room and saw my uncle in the same predicament as myself.

The rusty metal door opened up and in walked a huge muscular man covered in tattoos with a terrifyingly intimidating aura around him.

"Ahh, I see you two are finally awake. Just in time for my plan to be set into motion." He had the most evil look on his face I've ever seen and it honestly scared me by the way his eyes were pure white. "Who are you and what do you want from us!?" I yelled and tried to use my powers but to no use. What? How is that possible? Who is this man?

"Hello my dear nephew. Your father did right by not telling you who I am hahaha. I'm you're uncle Kronos and I am the God of time. You're probably wondering why you're here hmm? Well, to put it simply, I want your power to take over the god realm and Astoria all together. Only thing is though, I need to kill you in order for your power to be passed to me. Sounds good?" This man was an absolute lunatic if he thought he could kill me just like that. "You are absolutely insane if you think that's gonna happen you deranged bitch!" He grabbed me by my throat and slammed me against the wall and I groaned out in pain. "Listen bitch! You don't have a choice! Now, shut the fuck up and I might make this painless." Just as his hand lit up Chantelle grabbed him by his neck and through him out the building.

He grabbed my arm and teleported us in front of the castle and I felt a lil dizzy.

"We have no time to waste! Kronos is coming with his army here as we speak so prepare for battle!" Chantelle screamed as we barged into Xander's office where both his and my parents were. My father's eyes widened before his face hardened and his once gold eyes were now pitch black and void of any sign of life.

We all ran out of the office and Xander had Justin take all the regular pack women and children to the safety bunker.

"Go with them and make sure they're safe!" Xander ordered me and just as I was about to oppose, he cut me off. "This isn't up for discussion! I can't risk you and our child getting hurt! I won't allow it! Please, just listen to me this one time and do as I say ok? I promise I'll be back just please stay here because they need their Luna and I need you safe and out of harms way." He already made up his mind and I knew I couldn't change it so I just nodded with a sigh. "I love you." He said while caressing my cheek. "I love you too." He kissed me before closing the bunker door and I attended to the pack members. I made sure to calm and assure them that everything will be alright. Although, I'm not too sure I believe that myself.


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