Chapter 37: Preggers

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Angel's Perspective

There's always a moment in someone's life when they discover a new purpose for themselves and the journey they're led on is one that's most memorable. Hearing that I was pregnant filled me with emotions. Xander was still passed out on the chair while I stared silently at the ultrasound picture. Wow, I'm gonna be a mommy. The mere thought alone sent a huge wave of of excitement through me as I thought about my cub.

I heard the sound of groaning before I turned my head to look at Xander who was awake and looked hello disoriented.

"Ugh! My head. What the fuck?" He murmured and I giggled which caught his attention. His head snapped towards so fast as his eyes darted towards my tummy. "So it wasn't a dream?" He asked and I shook my head. "You're really pregnant?" I nodded as my emotions started to suface.

"I'm gonna be a d-daddy?" He asked with his voice cracking at the end and I nodded. Tears started falling from his eyes and he cried into his hands. Aww my baby. He made his way over to me and sat on bed before embracing me. He kissed my head and cried louder as I rubbed his back and cried with him. This was a beautiful moment because we're gonna be parents.

He kneeled down in front of me before facing my tummy with a look of adoration. "Hello, my beautiful blessing of the moon. I'm you're daddy and I just found out about you and your mommy and I are so excited to meet you. At first, I met your mommy and we had each other, now we have everything as we're expecting you. Your heart beats because of our love and now our love beats stronger because of you. The day we will meet seems so far away but until you're ready to come into this world, in this womb you shall safely stay. Our gift from the moon, sent from above for us to cherish and forever to love my beautiful little angel, I wish you are fearless in life, hopeful in your heart, and strong in your will to succeed! Find love, tolerance, and kindness and enrich our lives with your presence and always know, little one, that you were wished for, longed for, prayed for, and will be forever loved."

He placed his head on my tummy and mumbled something under his breath and all I made out was the word "Inshallah" before he kissed my tummy and my forehead.

"Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be someone more than a ruler and mate. I love you so much and I'm so grateful for everything you've done and will continue to do for me." He expressed while hugging me and burying his face in my neck. I rubbed his back for bit before pulling away and cupping his cheeks in my hands. He stood there tall and proud but his eyes gave him away. His eyes held joy, they were vulnerable. I gently glided one hand over his stubble while the other reached up to brush through his hair.

"You'll make an excellent father pookie. I can already see you chasing them around to put a diaper on them and it's the most wholesome and adorable thing ever. They'll look up to you and they'll appreciate everything you'll do for them. I couldn't ask for a better man to call my mate and the father of my child. I love you so much. WE love you so much. Aww no baby don't cry."

I comforted him as he cried. He needed it and I would gladly do it even if I didn't have to because I love him. There's one thing that I will never fathom and that's the stereotype where alphas are taught to keep in their emotions because it's a sign of weakness.


The responsibilities of an alpha are way too much for one person to bare without any sort of relief or comfort because after a while all those responsibilities becomes stressful. I'm glad that Xander always shows and tells me how he feels because it helps me to know how to support, comfort and motivate him and I love his sensitivity.

"You ok baby?" I asked him while wiping away his tears and he nodded and I smiled. "Kisses?" I nodded and pecked his lips a few times which made him smile.

We went back to our room after that and we cuddled and watched some of our favorite movies and ate ice cream. We asked each other questions about the baby and we were currently on the topic about what we want the gender to be. "Now why you want to show my baby how flirt?" I asked and stared at him like he's crazy. "Because if my son is anything like his daddy he'll be pulling both genders as he rightfully should." He said it like it was the most natural thing in the world. "Sir, you will not teach my angel to pull hoes because I don't wanna have to break someone's jaw. You gonna leave my innocent child alone mister." He pouted and I pinched his nose.

"He's my child too y'know. I have my rights." He pouted out and I flicked his lip. "That's true but last time I checked he's coming out of my pussy who has more say exactly?" He pouted even more and I found it adorable of course because he's too cute when he acts like a kid.

"How about a compromise then? We'll let him decide. Deal?" He stuck out his hand and I shook it. "You're on and stop calling them "him" we don't know the gender yet and I- want a boy." He cut in and I gave him the stink eye. Now he's knows better.

"Cut me off again and see when you gonna get some good good." I warned before walking out the room to go to the kitchen for more ice cream.


I knew his ass would've fell straight out that bed hahaha

"Baby wait! Why you always doing me like that?" He asked as I was already half way to the kitchen. This is gonna be a long night.


Hello readers

Long time no see eh?

How'd you enjoy this chapter. Let me know in the comments. Sorry for not updating as much. Writer's block gave me a sucker punch and it's been a little difficult to brainstorm but I'll definitely try to update more often.

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See you next time.


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