A Weird Secret

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Once upon a time, there was an old man with a long black beard who carried many tingling goods in his tattered bag. He'd walk and talk like a beggar, but his mind was as sophisticated as a philosopher's mind: full of tingling goods. He'd go by his day selling his canisters and goblets, forecasting the weather, and telling horror stories to the adults and fairy tales to the children. We was known among the people as the Fool Wise, for he looked foolish acting and talking like that, but in the end he had the final word in their lives. He had predicted big catastrophes and announced surprising weddings, as well as he'd tamed a black lion that had simply pounced out of the dunes. This old man loved to come home and tell the walls of his kitchen how amazing and powerful he was despite his consistent poverty. "I can have all the money in the world, the King will take it away from me. These taxes, really. But ah! If the King only knew what is yet to come! I don't know either, but I'll find a nice story and scare everyone. Or in case I'm not that inspired, I shall write a few wise quotes and make people relate to them. I can also spread the news about something very common and insignificant, but with the power of my speech, I shall draw their attention and make them replicate the news until the dunes agree that it's a trending topic. Oh, I shall do everything!"

And off he'd go to his library, which was basically a box with five books, just beside the oven. He'd sit and turn over the pages, inhaling all the random knowledge of the words he couldn't decipher. "Who needs to read these days," the old man would say. "What we need is sensibility. My, I can stare at a person and read her heart. So yes, I can naturally open a book and know its content. By the looks of this one, I shall have nightmares for the rest of my life since there isn't a single word that looks pretty. This font is diabolical!"

So he'd bark a raspy laughter, shut the book, and go to his bathroom, which was basically a hole on the ground, just beside where he washed his clothes. He'd crouch over the hole and frown until he produced a terrific idea. "Oh my! Now I understand the true meaning of life! I shall run outside immediately, bellowing to the skies, saying that a new messiah has arrived, and he's hiding among us! He has a beard and a face like me, he's wise and fool like me, he's rich like me, he's the one I am! But to not repel the passersby with the sharpness of my truth, I shall kneel down and tear my clothes, weeping wildly. Then, I shall pass out and make good people carry me to their facilities where I'll be kindly treated for weeks. I'll keep my mouth sealed and only speak when time comes. I shall say that I must again see the King, and he will naturally decline since he's everything I am not: young, bold, strong, realistic, intelligent, honest, a book worm, and terribly handsome. But he's also pious, so I shall beg to see him otherwise I'll die. My voice will fail and I'll whimper. The people around me will then take me to the King, and once I'm there, I shall kneel again and press my forehead on his rich floor. And then I shall say: "Your highness, I was just shitting yesterday, when a great revelation struck me from all holes! Holy is your power, but now I am bigger than you, and I am suffering with this situation since I am just a humble man. What I want to tell you is that for every malady that weaves through our people, I am the one to feel it! No surprise why I had nearly died before seeing you! Also, I suffer for the people's poverty and for their emotional unbalance. Your highness, I also suffer due to the poor infra structure of their houses, I also suffer for the mediocrity that spreads so easily among us! And it would be just a sad report of mine, but there is a solution! Just recently when the nurse handed me a delicious meal, I could feel, oh yes I could, the bellies of many children being filled with health and nutrients! When I drank fresh water, the whole world ceased from being thirsty. So if you allow me, your highness, to use my cheap brain, I gathered that every good deed I experience, the suffering people will too! I honestly think it's a great strategy. You can save money, just think about it: all you need to do is provide one man with abundant life with all the fancy goods and regal bodies, and the world will be at peace. Bring me the best food, the very same you eat, and the world will taste its flavor too! And also--""

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