Happy Halloween!

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(The pic above isn't mine, I just thought it was adorable and wanted to share. The precious marshmallow beans aH- XD)

AN: WOOOOOOOO! Happy Halloween everybody!!! I hope that all of you have been enjoying awesome costumes this time around~! :D

I'm honestly shocked that I was able to finish this up with my Halloween deadline for it and all of my homework and stuff, but I like how it turned out!

I had been mulling over this story idea for almost 2 years, so this is a relief to finally get it all down. XD

I hope you all enjoyed it!!! I even made a drawing of what Dim looks like at the ending there. :3

I have a feeling that he looks like another character or something, but I don't know who

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I have a feeling that he looks like another character or something, but I don't know who. I literally made this during extra class time with only a blank drawing board. =3="

ANYWAY, some thanks to my friend JimmySMASH4daWIN~! I looked at one of her books called "Fallen Down" for inspiration on how to write King Boo because I didn't want to make him super OOC by accident. XD

With all of that said and done, I hope that you all enjoyed my S P O O K Y story~! :3

I hope to see you all in future books!!! Have an awesome day! >w<

The Surge [SPM Halloween Story!]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant