All the while Malin had woken from his own sleep and was laying silently with a small smile as he watched the two. He hoped that their relationship with Shiloh could grow, but he would never push him. If friends are all he wants, then that's all they'll be.

"It was faulty sports equipment that lead to Malin's injury. Afterward, we realized how many athletes have chronic injuries because of bad equipment. So, we made it our goal to produce good equipment that's affordable and expose the companies that just don't care. They're always aggressive during the research phases but once it's out and the public knows, there's nothing they can do about it so they back off."

"I can understand that. It's really amazing how passionate you are about this."

"I get the feeling security is not your passion... What is?" Shiloh blushed deeply. He had never shared his true passion with anyone before...

"Uhm.. well... I really enjoy fashion... I'm sure you've seen me with my sketchbooks. They're full of designs and patterns..." Shiloh hid his face in his hands as he waited for the teasing to begin.

"Really? That makes so much sense. You're always dressed so nicely. I grabbed one of your sketchbooks so you would have something to do."

"Oh thank you! When I get discharged, would you be willing to just drop me off at my apartment? I'll be able to take care of myself there." Rhett didn't even try to hide his frown.

"Are you sure? We'd be more comfortable if you stayed with us. There's plenty of room and that way we can keep an eye on you."

"Yeah. I'll be alright. You two are going to be busy getting the research published and I don't want to be in the way."

At this point, Malin made himself known as he rose from his own bed and made his way to the other two. "Please just stay with us for at least a week after your discharge. Just for our peace of mind. You won't get in our way. You can just relax and sketch or whatever you want to do. Please just let us do this for you, it's the least we could do after you risked your life for us."

Shiloh was silent for a moment as Malin made his way over. Nobody had ever wanted to take care of him, injured or uninjured and he was having a hard time wrapping his head around it, but he didn't want to cause the two even more worry. They might have given him a lot to think about, but they also opened the doors to the world.

Maybe now he could do the things he wanted to do... "Okay... I guess a week would be okay." Shiloh's response was timid.

"Thank you." Out of reflex Malin slid his fingers through Shiloh's tangled hair. Nearly pulling back in fear of making him uncomfortable, but froze when Shiloh leaned into the contact. "Go back to sleep, you look exhausted." Shiloh tugged both Rhett and Malin down so they were laying back on the bed and he was almost squished between them. He felt safe for once, content, so he let himself have a moment of peace as he held tightly to each man's shirt as he slipped back to sleep.

The two lovers sat awake, conversing quietly. Malin untangled Shiloh's hair while Rhett rubbed light circles on his hand. "When he finally discovers himself he's going to be unstoppable."

"That he will. Do you think he'd be interested in our lifestyle?"

"I'm not sure. He was hard to read at the club. We'll just have to wait and see."

Neither had the heart to move from the bed and even when they tried Shiloh's grip on their shirts only tightened. Instead, they dozed between nurse visits. Although squished together on the small bed, all slept until woken by the rising sun.

Instead of the gradual wake-up, Shiloh experienced the previous time. He woke up quickly with panic setting in at the feeling of being surrounded, his only saving grace was the two soft voices that instantly began to whisper reassurances.

The comforting voice quickly eases his panic. "You both stayed here... That couldn't have been comfortable. I'm sorry..."

"It's okay. We stayed because we wanted to." Shiloh's face turned a bright red.

"Can I leave yet?" Shiloh looked up at Rhett with wide hopeful eyes. The face made Rhett want to take care of Shiloh in every possible way, giving him anything and everything he could possibly want.

"No can do, you've got at least one more night here. It all depends if you don't move too much and listen to the nurses."

"I'll be good."

Shiloh grinned and Malin instinctually ruffled his hair. "Good boy." Shiloh's blush darkened and the two chuckled as they removed themselves from the bed. We have an emergency meeting at the office. We're going to offer all the guards from your father's company to work directly under ours and start our own security department. after that, we'll be gathering clothes and necessities for when we're at the office. Do you want us to grab anything from your apartment so your items will be ready for when you're discharged? That way I can bring you a set of comfortable clothes as well."

"Yeah... I guess that would be okay? Do you know if my phone is here? or if there's anything I can do to keep myself busy?"

"I doubt your phone survived, but I grabbed a blank notebook and some pencils while I was at the store. Will that do for now?" Rhett was already moving to grab the items.

"Oh, are you sure you don't need them?"

"Positive, I got them for you anyway. They didn't have anything better, but I figured it would do until we got your sketchbook here."

Shiloh's face reddened, "Oh, thank you for thinking of me."

"Happens more often than you think." Rhett gave him an amused smile. Shiloh was confused by the statement and could only mumble a random response when the two told him they would be back in the morning to pick him up. He spent some time mulling over what Rhett could possibly have meant, but eventually only succeeded in giving himself a headache.

He gave up on thinking and got to sketching out some designs. He had a concept in his mind that he desperately wanted to get on paper, so through all the nurse visits, naps, and medicine, he sketched. Page after page of notes, concepts, and pattern designs. It kept his mind busy and away from the feelings his two clients gave him... But they weren't his clients anymore. Shiloh wasn't sure what he was going to do now... how he would make a living... how he would survive. From what Rhett said, his father had completely given up on him. He had no family to go back to. He had no friends, no hobbies. He had nothing. He only knew how to do one thing and it was obvious he couldn't even do that correctly.

All the emotions he had so desperately been trying to surprise hit him like a bus. There was no longer any suppressing them. He cried and sobbed, and gasped for breath as he mourned the loss of his family, his childhood, his identity. He didn't know he was anymore and the future scared him, terrified him. He became so hysteric that the nurses had no option, but to sedate him for his own safety. He was lost and wasn't sure if he'd ever be found.

 He was lost and wasn't sure if he'd ever be found

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