Chapter 6 - Talia

Start from the beginning

"We should probably get going," Talia heard Charlie say. "We have some shopping to do." She shook her head lightly, chasing away the dark memories that were starting to invade, just as they did so frequently. She'd come a long way from the timid girl who had first moved to Florida, only some days it didn't feel long enough.

"Yes, that's right. Talia did mention that," Enid replied. "Would you like me to keep Carter for you? I'm sure it won't be any fun for her shopping around at the paint store. Besides, she's sleeping so peacefully."

Charlie smiled at his daughter before gathering her into his arms. "No, we've got this. If she sleeps too long, she'll never fall asleep tonight. And then Talia will expect to sleep in again tomorrow and she won't be around to make me breakfast," he teased, tossing his wife an affectionate wink. Charlie tucked Carter gently into the crook of his arm and Talia felt her heart bubble over. Never in a million years did she expect to experience this kind of happiness. It had been a long time since she'd felt so loved and secure, since before her parents had been murdered during a burglary when she was a teenager. She'd married young, hoping to fill the void losing her parents had left, but that plan had exploded in her face.

* * *

Fifteen minutes later, Charlie pulled his trunk into the parking lot of the local hardware store. He went around to the side and opened the passenger door for Talia, then popped his head into the backseat to retrieve the baby. "Well, she's awake now," he announced, pulling a grinning Carter from the car-seat. The baby murmured happily in his arms, rejuvenated after her short nap.

It had been a long day and Talia was anxious to get home, but there was still so much to do before she could turn in for the night, which included making dinner and bathing Carter. Together, they entered the small store with Charlie steering them toward the paint section, and just as they were about to turn down an isle a familiar face caught her eye.

"Well, if it isn't Charlie Wilson," a beautiful blonde announced with a wide smile. She was gloriously tall, much taller than Talia, with a mane of golden hair and a perfect figure to match. The woman stared at Charlie with a predatory expression on her face, an expression Talia recognized only too well.

"Sharon Hart," Charlie greeted her. "It's been a long time."

"Too long, if you ask me," Sharon said, smiling coyly. "You know, I do believe it's time for Winston's check up. He's not a puppy anymore. It's recommended that older dogs visit the vet twice a year," the pretty veterinarian scolded lightly. "You two need to come see me, Charlie. You and Winston, that is," she added, tossing Talia a tight smile.

Charlie adjusted Carter in his arms. "Well, Talia and I will be sure to get him in soon. Things have just been so busy at home," he admitted, planting a small kiss on the top of Carter's head.

Sharon clapped her hands together. "Of course! And look at you, pretty girl. You look so much like your father," she said, reaching over to ruffle the baby's soft blonde curls.

"Actually," Charlie intervened proudly, "She's the spitting image of her mother."

Finally, Sharon turned to acknowledge her. "Talia," she said with a curt nod. "It's nice to see you again."

"It's good to see you, too," Talia returned uneasily. She watched as Sharon's almond shaped eyes swiveled back toward her husband, taking him in with eager approval.

"Carter really is getting so big, Charlie! I bet she's a handful."

Charlie released an easy chuckle. "Oh yeah, she's into everything now that she's learning to crawl. Before you know it, she'll be walking, and then going off to school. Time really does fly ..." he said, his voice trailing off in retrospect.

The blonde nodded knowingly and ran her tongue across full, pink lips. "School — now that might bring on a whole new set of problems," the pretty veterinarian replied thoughtfully. "You know, I hope she doesn't encounter any issues once school begins for her. Kids can be so cruel ..."

Charlie's eyebrows came together in confusion. "Why would she have any issues?"

"Well, you know," Sharon said, lowering her voice an octave and glancing toward Talia. "Because of her mother's felony. I just feel so sorry for the poor thing. I hope the other kids don't tease her."

Talia felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She hadn't realized she'd been holding her breath until it escaped from her lungs in an exasperated sigh. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Charlie glance over at her, gauging her reaction.

"Sharon," Charlie began cautiously. "Talia was never charged with a felony. The judge lowered the violation to a misdemeanor after they discovered everything she'd been through."

Sharon shrugged smugly and tossed her long blonde hair over one shoulder. "Either way. I just feel so sorry —"

"You know," Talia interrupted suddenly, her eyes locking with the leggy blonde's. "The only person I feel sorry for is you."

Sharon's eyes opened wide with surprise. "Me?" she asked, placing a palm against her chest in bewilderment. "And why exactly would you feel sorry for me?"

Talia smiled sympathetically. "Because it must be difficult being a single woman in a small town like this, knowing that every man has had you once, yet none of them return for more," she announced with a steady voice. She knew she was being catty, but she just couldn't take it any longer. Every time she ran into the beautiful veterinarian, she always went straight for the jugular. She had a habit of putting Talia down with casual insults, and this one right in front of Charlie! But not any more. She was putting a stop to Sharon Hart.

"It looks as if you're running out of options, huh?" Talia continued, squaring her shoulders defiantly. "I'm guessing that must be why you look at my husband like you're starving to death."

And with that, Talia grabbed Charlie's hand and maneuvered him past the dumbfounded blonde, who stared after them with her mouth wide-open.

Charlie threw Talia a sideways glance as they made their way down the isle. "Do you feel better now?" he asked, a smirk spreading over his handsome face.

"Actually," Talia declared triumphantly, "I feel fantastic."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now there's a familiar face, but not a very welcomed one I'm afraid. Way to go Talia! I have to admit, I LOVED writing that scene! What do you think of how Talia handled Sharon?

THANK YOU so much for reading Secrets and Lies! If you enjoyed this chapter, please consider leaving a vote/comment! I always love to hear from you.

This chapter is dedicated to reader @thebirdsmelody! She leaves some of the most amazing comments and has even taken the time to help cast the roles of some vital Secrets and Lies characters! You can check out a picture of the new Enid Wilson by flipping back to Chapter 5. She has also chosen a very suitable Mr. Easterwood whose picture will be appearing in an upcoming chapter! In addition, she has some of her own stories posted on her profile page. Thank you, @thebirdsmelody, for everything you do!

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