Chapter 3:

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Alexandra's P.O.V.

"Well, it seems like we can officially say that you are a great Alpha with a very promising line of descendants Alpha Mitchells," The Alpha King says with a smile. "I will be sure to punish the person who accused you and ignore them in the future."

"Thank you, Alpha King, it's all that I ask." my father said to the Alpha king with a relieved look upon his face.

"Now if you don't mind may a few warriors, my kids, mate and I stay the night as we have a trip to make in the morning" the Alpha King asked.

"Of course," my father said eagerly. "Alexandra here will show you your rooms, if that's okay."

I nodded my head and beckoned for them to follow me inside the packhouse. I led each of them to their rooms and went to my 'visitor room' which is basically a room done up with everything I need for when we have a visitor and as a room that I sleep in when we have people visiting from other packs as a cover up for what happens. I make sure to go around and ruffle the bedsheets slightly and grab a book and began to tidy up the 'dirty clothes'. This was a tack tick for helping spread my scent around the room and onto the clothes to cause less suspicion. I then made my way downstairs and began to prepare lunch for the visitors as well as the packmembers. The excuse for why I was doing this was because due to the fact that my mother, Luna Macy died and in our pack the Luna fed those in the packhouse and members who didn't feel like eating a at home food. But because our Luna died, I offered to prepare food for the pack and apparently my stubborn head wouldn't let anyone interrupt me and this was also a kind of therapy and coping mechanism I do for my muteness. 

So, when I was finished, laying the food on the table and setting it I mind linked the pack informing them that lunch was made and then made my way up to the Royal Pack's rooms which were taking up a whole floor. That also had a living room in it, and that was where I found the Royal Pack all strewn over the room chatting a having a laugh. I waited at the door for a minute and knocked but soon realised their chatter and laughter was too loud and was drowning out my knocking. So instead, I went over and tapped the nearest warrior on the shoulder gently. This resulted in him spinning around and lunging at me with his claws out I quickly punched him sending him flying to the side out of reflex. But he had managed to claw the side of my face before I had sent him flying. So, I had blood pouring from a deep gash down the left-hand side of my face. The whole pack quickly froze and turned around to look at me, quite surprised by my presence it seems. They only noticed because they heard the thud of the warrior as he landed and smelled the strong stench of blood that was wafting through the room. The Alpha King then reacting upon instinct was infront of me in seconds and had me in a deathly tight grip holding me up off the ground by my neck. 

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY PACK MEMBER" he roared loudly in my face, tightening his grip around my neck even more. "Don't let this happen again do you hear," me he said in an icy voice. Before placing me back down on the floor.

I quickly took a step back to distance myself from the pack that I now realised were extremely vicious, proving to me that all packs were like mine. I quickly picked up the piece of paper I had dropped and showed it to them it said, ' lunch is ready downstairs '. I then turned around to run out of the room when the Alpha Queen spoke. I could tell she only spoke because she was reacting off her natural Luna instinct to help those who were injured.

"Darling, are you okay? that's quite a deep gash" I just quickly turned to face her nodding my head a wave of dizziness rushed through me because of the blood loss and I tried to keep the tears from falling. I knew that this would scar. I spotted the Alpha King look at her with confused yet loving eyes at her statement, the love probably because he loved her and her concern for me only strengthened it and confusion because he seems to think I hurt his pack member first for no reason. 

I then raced to the kitchen and grabbed an antiseptic wipe and placed it over my cut, just as my brothers walked in laughing. But immediately stopped when they noticed me, and they knew immediately it wasn't a pack member as they knew better then to beat me up while we had visitors. So, they immediately rushed to me and pulled my hand off my face, exposing the cut in all its glory. They all let out ferocious growls, their eyes flashing black, showing their wolves were fighting for control, as they spotted the bruises forming around my neck as well. I instinctively hugged them, and soothingly hummed to them. But right as they were all almost fully calm the Alpha King walked in with a few of his warriors including the one who scratched me. My brothers immediately noticed my posture tense and freeze as well as the widening of my eyes. Resulting in them becoming rigid. They quickly took a sniff of my cut before I could stop them and growled loudly. Turning quickly to the one who cut me as well as the Alpha King preparing for a fight.

"YOU HURT OUR BABY SIS" they all roared in unison, their wolves coming forward.

I was quick to react running in front of them and began humming as I hugged Diarmuid and held Joshua's and Evan's hands rubbing my fingers in calming circles on them. They all came closer and hugged me, which caused me to let out a sigh of relief that showed my hidden pain in the undertone of it accidentally. Causing them all to worriedly glance at me before Evan picked me up and placed me on the counter, while Josh grabbed a towel and wet it before placing it on my cut washing away the blood. And Diarmuid grabbed a needle and some thread with the intent to stitch up my cut. But as he glanced at it and paled, I knew that as good as he wanted to be, I would probably be better at this. So, I took the needle from his hands and walked in front of the kitchen window and began to stitch myself up. When I was finished and had turned around, I noticed how pale they all were and that their mouths were open. So, I quickly led them to the table, where the rest of their pack was, as mine had finished eating. Then I raced back to the kitchen and filled up glasses of water for them. Then quickly hurried back to give it to them. Then I stood on my spot fidgeting with my heads confused as to what was wrong because they didn't seem sick. 

Then the Alpha King speaks up and goes " How the fuck can you just stitch up the most disgusting gash ever, that was on your face acting as if as you were doing it, it didn't hurt?"






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