Chapter 1:

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Alexandra's P.O.V.


Was the sound that echoed through the room at half five that morning. As the frying pan connected with my head. Instantly bringing me out of my peaceful dreamland and back to reality.

Oops before I forget I'm Alexandra Mitchell. The omega of the Forest Pack. I don't know why I'm an omega or what I did to deserve the hate and scars given to me. I had a light brown skin complexion, blue eyes and brown hair. My skin and hair came from my mother Luna Macy, whereas my eyes came from my father, not my proudest feature as they came from the person that I loathed the most in the whole world. I was quite a small person with a height of 5"1.

"Get up, you worthless freak" my dearest sister Amethyst screamed in my ear. As the hit had caused me to be knocked to the floor. I had zoned out and hadn't heard her coming into the room. She was an extremely pretty girl with my father's smooth milky white skin and blonde hair with striking green eyes that were partly inherited from my mother as for her height she stood at about 5"7. She was a loved figure by the pack, always kind and warm with a smile on her face unless I was nearby. She was popular in school, with all the girls want to be her and all the guys wanting to be with her. Something I would never experience, in my lonely and sad life. She was thirteen and already captured the hearts of the whole pack and everyone she meets. She would be the perfect luna, she was all you could ever want or need in a person and more.

I knew something important must be going on 1. To have her wake up early and 2. Not be welcomed in the normal way as people come to grab their breakfast. No one was ever this nice to me unless it was another one of those pretend to have changed pranks that I fall for quite a lot. I was normally welcomed with a few punches or bruises.

"You fucking slut. How dare you tell anyone and betray your pack" she shouted at me as she began to kick and punch me and hit me with the frying pan.

"AMETHYST" the Alpha aka my father, came in and roared her name. He had blond hair, blue eyes, was about 38 and stood at about 6"2.

Yes, I thought he's finally come to love me again and realise I did nothing to deserve this. But no, he says......

"Wait until later the Alpha King and his family are coming remember" he states calmly. "We don't want them finding out what happens to our slutty omega here."

He was causing my heart to break as I realised not even my father wanted me. Yeah, I forgot to mention that. I'm also the Alpha's Daughter. Not like he or anyone ever treated me like one. But after 11 years I am used to it, I guess.  He then turned and shot me a glare and I knew he was telling me to get ready or there would be some problems. So I got up and bolted up the stairs.

I knew what to do as this wasn't the first time The Alpha King had to visit. I began to grab a pair of mom jeans, that's what I hear the girls in the pack call them anyways. As well as a fancy jumper to look the part of the Alpha's innocent daughter. 

And then lightly curled my hair and added some nice jewellery

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And then lightly curled my hair and added some nice jewellery. Like a gold necklace, small hoops and a ring. Because what's suspicious about a fancied-up Alpha's daughter when the Alpha King and his family come. I made sure to apply make - up but make it seem light and natural while covering everything. I then sprayed perfume on me to make sure you couldn't smell blood or anything other than perfume on me.

I then went downstairs as my father looked me over making sure nothing was giving him and the pack away. Then he caught me by the throat and held me to the wall.

"Don't even think about escaping, no one would want you anyways you little whore" he said cruelly with an evil laugh. He then dropped me and went outside to stand by family. Which included my dad, Amethyst  and my three older brothers. Their names were Joshua, Evan and Diarmuid. Diarmuid was the oldest with the same skin tone that I and my brothers took from my mother, her hazel green eyes and my father's dirty blonde hair. Joshua was next with more bluey grey eyes and brown hair. Lastly, the youngest of my older brothers is Evan, he has more hazel brown eyes and blonde hair. They were usually ignoring me but rarely laid a hand on me unless ordered to by our father. I always looked up to them and I knew that when they eventually found their mates, they would be the best, caring and loving with great humour. They were all so attractive even if it was unintentional. And no, I'm not falling for my brothers. Diarmuid was set to inherit the pack. When we were younger, they would try to protect me from my father, but he would turn on them and one night they changed and begin to ignore me. Soon after the pack begin to copy what my father and sister were doing. At the moment Diarmuid is eighteen and when he finds his mate who he has been waiting for, for two years now he will become Alpha officially. Joshua is sixteen and Evan is fifteen. They were all taller then him though but he was still their alpha and father so it was against their good nature and wolf instinct to attack him, they all stood at about 6"4 average.

I then followed a minute after him as I had to adjust my top and hair slightly from the incident a few moments prior. My father stood with Amethyst to his left and my brothers and I on his right. As I stood between Diarmuid and Joshua I shook slightly, Diarmuid was directly on his right and Evan was on Josh's right. I knew father also beat them, but it was a more private thing that was never shown to the rest of the pack. He was trying to break them, make them stronger and more willing to obey his orders. He never went far enough to give reason for question from the pack members, as unlike with me if the pack found out about this, they would be angry and more inclined to attack or remove him of his title. He only did enough to show he was superior, and they luckily were never in bad condition afterwards. But I was left to patch them up as they would remain emotionless and lost in thought in the position, he had left them in before he had left the room. They always ignored my efforts of help and comfort afterwards, choosing to remain oblivious to the world as I patched up and cleaned the necessary cuts and bruises, so they don't become infected. Even with werewolf healing some injuries need to be treated so they can heal quicker.

Our father looked over and gave one last warning growl to me. Then stood still staring out waiting for the Royal Pack to turn up. After five minutes of waiting the first car finally emerged from the forest that surrounded out pack. About 12 cars drove up. They then parked and got out. There was the Royal family, warriors and doctors there.

The Alpha King then stepped forward and spoke.







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