・°°・vampire valentine・°°・

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Authors Note: this is a little halloween based story i did :))

c/ln : crush's last name

s/n : school name

Scrolling through my Pinterest feed, I examined each way I could style my Halloween Scarecrow costume for tonight. Another passive aggressive notification from my best friend bsf/n:

"pleaseeee wear the hot vampire costume i got u (that frumpy dumpy scarecrow is uglyyy x)" the message read.

I had been looking at the velvet bodysuit and cape crumpled in a bag that was sitting in the corner of my room. It came with fishnet tights, a choker and matching gloves, and the essential vampire fangs. I guess I would look good in it... and maybe there would be someone cute at the party. Picking up my phone again, I shot back another message at bsf/n:

"fine i'll wear it :P"

Pulling the costume out of the bag, I pulled it on and started to do my makeup. By the time I was done, my lips were blood red and eyeliner was neatly applied to the corners of my eyes. The fishnets were tightly pressed against my thighs and my black choker's moon pendant rested on my collarbone. To finish it all off, I shoved on my black stilettos. Gosh I looked good. I grabbed my purse and headed out.

The cold air nipped me as my heels clicked along the pavement to the house of c/n. C/N was a name known by everyone at my school. They were known for their "epic ragers" and infamous Halloween parties. Every girl at s/n adored c/n. From his c/hc  coloured hair and his c/ec eyes, he was picture perfect. I wouldn't fall for it though. He was the model example of a player, complete with the flashy cars, millionaire mansion and triads of women to please him. Ugh. I admit, he was attractive but I refuse to fall for the sweet talk of a self conceited playboy.

I wrapped my arms around me as I began to hear the thumping music from the house of c/ln. As I got closer I could see the face of bsf/n in the crowd waving eagerly at me. She was dressed in a policewoman outfit, her hat on a blonde wig and a pair of handcuffs resting on her waist. Her arm was around the shoulder of a man in a vampire outfit, with the same colour scheme as mine. He was surrounded by others who all chatted with him like they had been best friends forever. His face was hidden by the group of people in an array of different outfits. Bsf/n continued to wave me over.

"Y/N you took agesss. You've probably met my friend right? C/N, introduce yourself." she said.

"I know who you are C/N.. The school's favourite fuckboy? The womaniser? The p l a y e r." I snapped back.

He simply chuckled and his naturally sharp fangs peered out from below his lip. "Me? A player?" He moved closer to me, grabbing my chin and bringing it up. "I'm the most wholesome vampire around, sweetheart."

I was lost for words. My heart beat heavily as he brought his face even closer to mine, twirling my h/c hair around his finger. His plump lips came even closer to mine and his eyes glinted in the dim light. The whole world around me began to blur and it was just me, and him, looking into each other's eyes.

"Um.. okay lovebirds. Let's cut this short." bsf/n said, clapping her hands together. She pulled us both into the party whilst my cheeks still were hot from my intense moment with c/n. This is just what fuckboys do y/n, snap out of it, I told myself. The whole house stunk of booze and sweat, with music blaring and flashing coloured lights. Overwhelmed by the crowded room, I looked back to see that bsf/n was already grinding up against some guy in a skeleton outfit. I turned around to see C/N smirking at me from across the room. He began to make his way towards me. I could see his muscles flexing in his arms as he walked. "Hey, sweetheart." he said with the same sexy smile.
"Hey, honeybuns." I said sarcastically, sticking my tongue out at him.
"Would you like to dance with s/n's favourite fuckboy?" His hand extended out as a slower song played.
I took his hand and put my head on his chest as we danced. I looked up and him and he was grinning at me me. The speed of the music began to pick up and C/N cupped my face in his hands.
"I'm not a player, Y/N," he said. "I've never felt so strongly about anyone. I like you, Y/N. I know my reputation sounds terrible bu-". I pulled his face closer and kissed him in the middle of the dance floor. His arms wrapped around my waist and I could feel his abs pressing against me. Cheers came from some of the people in the dance floor (probably bsf/n). I pulled away, smiling so hard my cheeks hurt.
"I like you too, wholesome vampire".

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