You finished washing the dishes, and as soon as you sat down on the sofa, you could hear the yelling of a 6/7 year old boy.


You walked to your bedroom to find the two boys in their pajamas, well, Tooru's pajamas. Your younger brother had decided that his new friend should be able to wear some of his alien pajamas.

You were grateful for this because you had realized that the boy had came to you severely unprepared for a sleepover.

"Woah! It's aliens!"

"I know right! Aren't they cool!"


You wish you had a camera with you to record this moment.

"What'd you need, Tooru?"

He turned to you,
"Help us make a pillow fort!"

You sighed,
"Okay, but wait outside while I change first,"

They both nodded and left, and you made sure to block the door with something just in case they decided to peek.

After you changed, you let them in, then grabbing all the cushions and pillows you could find and bringing them into the room.

They watched with wonder and anticipation in their eyes as you were able to make a pretty nice pillow fort, one that even you felt a little proud of.

They both hugged and thanked you before heading into the pillow fort, playing who knows what.

You take a nap in the pillow fort, figuring that if they needed you, they could just wake you up if anything went awry.

This didn't happen at all though, with you waking up in the middle of the night to find both boys curled into your sides, your arms wrapped around them comfortably.

After suffering from a cuteness overload, you got up, taking a large blanket to cover the three of you.

You awoke with the two children still hugging onto you, streams of sunlight pouring through the window.

You enjoyed this feeling of calm for a while, internally gushing at how cute the scene must look like from another perspective.

But all must awake at some point. You sat up, gently shaking the two boys who soon did the same thing, rubbing their eyes.

"Did you two have fun in the pillow fort?"

They both leaned on your shoulders,
"Yeah, it was so much fun!"

The gray haired boy whispered in your ear,
"It was scary when it was dark but it was less scary when we hugged you,"

Your heart bursted from the absolute adorableness of the statement, and a part of you wished they'd never age.

"I wanna play castle! Nii-chan, you should be the dragon!"

You groaned while standing up, still tired from your recent awakening.

"Okay, come here you two, I'm gonna put your capes on,"

They both approached you excitedly and practically shook in the boots they weren't wearing while you tied the blankets around their necks.

Your brother pulled out two foam swords from his toy chest, handing one to Sugawara.

"Okay Nii-chan, you have to attack the castle!"

You rolled your eyes before approaching where the two boys hid in the fort.

"I wonder if there are any people in this castle?"

You spoke loudly to make sure they heard you, which they did, giggling as quietly as they could. You stomped around so they could feel the vibrations, making them laugh even harder.

Then the vibrations stopped. They couldn't hear anything. Your younger brother decided to be brave and peeked out of the fort, only to meet you face to face.



You destroyed the pillow fort and chased the two boys in circles around the room, making sure to pace yourself to where you were always behind them.

Eventually you were able to catch them, and when you did, you were relentless in your tickle torture.

With tears of laughter threatening to spill from their eyes, they struggled to escape from your grasp, a futile endeavor.

"We surrender! We surrender!"

You stopped the tickling, standing up above the two of them,
"Well that's too bad! Because now I have to EAT YOU!"

You collapsed on the two of them, making them squeal as they failed to escape you. You lightly pinched them with your hands, making fake eating sounds with your mouth.

"Omnomnomnom, wow, humans sure are tasty!"

At the end of it all, the three of you were laughing messes, with you being surprised by how much fun you had.

Sugawara looked at you with adoration,
"I wish you were my nii-chan all the time!"

"Hey, he's my big brother!"

You pulled the two soon-to-be setters close,
"I can be both of your big brother's!"

The ringing of the door bell interrupted the three of you, and you quickly got up, heading to the door.

"Koushi, put your clothes on, I think your parents are here,"

He gasped, hurriedly changing out of his pajamas before rushing to follow you.

He hugged his parents as soon as he could, soon being picked up by his mother.

"Did you miss us, Koushi?"

A wide smile displayed itself on his face,

He hugged his mother tightly, almost as if she's disappear if he let go.

"Is your mother home? We brought some gifts along with your payment,"

They handed you a bag and en envelope, which you tried to refuse, but they were adamant you accept.

"Uhh, my mom's at work right now, but you could stay for tea if you'd like?"

"That's alright, we're planning on falling asleep as soon as we get back home! We can't thank you enough though! Say goodbye, Koushi!"

He reached out, grabbing your face, planting his forehead on yours,
"Bye nii-chan!"

They both 'awwed' at the interaction, and you waved with a grin as they left.

"Can he come back, nii-chan? I liked playing with him!"

You gently rustled his hair,
"Sure Tooru, anytime,"



Volleyball babysitter (little Haikyuu + M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now