Chapter 28 - Trial of Strength

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-Aizawa's Perspective-

All Might was an absolute idiot of a man and a hero who should not be teaching. Certainly not unsupervised. What kind of teacher- no. What kind of person thought it was a good idea to have super-powered fourteen and fifteen year-old's face off in new costumes with potentially deadly equipment that they didn't know how to use?

"It's too late to do anything about it now. Nobody was seriously injured and you and Nezu talked to him, so it shouldn't happen again. And you're going to be supervising from now on." Hizashi piped up from his place snuggled into my side on the couch.

Hitoshi was in his room doing homework. We'd already eaten dinner, so Hitoshi would probably try to get some sleep after he finished his homework. Hopefully his insomnia wouldn't keep him up too late tonight.

"You're right, 'Zashi. At least this will give me an idea of where they are in regards to their combat skills." I said as Loaf snuggled up against the side of my thigh.

"Way to think positive." Hizashi said, his smile so wide his eyes were practically closed from the force of it. I rolled my eyes at him while I pulled up the footage of the battle trials. This was probably going to be a long night.

-Uraraka's Perspective-

The day seemed to go by so quickly.

Breakfast with Fai was nice, though Kuro-san - as he'd asked to be called - had to rush through his so he could make it to work. I still didn't know what he did. Anyways, Fai had made pancakes for breakfast, and not the ones I was used to. She told me they were an american recipe that her parents had from the time they spent living there. Although they were different, they were some of the best pancakes I'd ever tasted. I wasn't sure if that was because they were American, or if it was because Fai had made them.

We finished eating and cleaned up quickly. Then we parted ways in the hallway to get ready. I went off to the room that had become mine in the past two weeks. I quickly changed into my uniform and shoved everything into my school bag. I left my bag on my bed and quickly made my way into the bathroom. I spent around five minutes there before heading back to my room. Fai slipped into the bathroom after me. Ten minutes later, we were both at the front door and slipping our shoes on. We made our way out the door and Fai locked the door behind us.

The train ride was a quiet ordeal as I tried not to fall asleep and Fai was on her phone. At one point I looked over her shoulder and saw her texting Souro. I couldn't wait to meet the guy, officially at least. Fai spoke highly of him and I'd found that she wasn't very easily impressed.

When we finally arrived at the school, having walked from the train station, I could see the gate blocked by a huge group of what appeared to be reporters. I could see other students trying to push their way through, but they were being bombarded by questions, and microphones and cameras were being shoved in their faces. I looked over to Fai and saw her calculating eyes scanning the reporters and the surrounding area.

"I don't think we have time to wait for a teacher to come and get rid of them, so we'll just have to find some way to either get around them, or get through them." she said before looking at me. I nodded and turned back to look at the reporters.

"I have an idea." I said determinedly after a couple minutes. I looked over at Fai, who was looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "Just follow my lead."

Her and I walked up to the reporters and I could see the group of them immediately latch onto our nearing forms. I made exaggerated movements as I got closer.

"I can't believe All Might's signing autographs just a few blocks from here." I said, slightly louder than would normally be needed.

"And I can't believe there were no reporters there." Fai replied, playing along.

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