Chapter 19 - Entrance Exams

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Faihato's Perspective

A/N - Alright. I was getting impatient and I really just wanted to get to UA, so... nine to ten month time lapse? Some of the characters are going to be fairly different because they went through some major changes in the past few months, but no worries. You will get to find out what happened, it will just be through flashbacks. Hope y'all can forgive me. 😅        Without further ado, chapter 19!

"UA," I whispered to myself as I stared up at the large arch that they called a gate. "You've got this, Fai." I told myself. I took a deep breath and took a step forward. "For mom."

There was a sudden movement in front of me and my head shot up. There was a boy who had caught his foot on the sidewalk and a girl, who had been a little behind him, had reached out to touch him. Maybe to catch him? The boy didn't fall though, and the girl quickly retracted her hand when she realized that the boy didn't need help.

"Are you alright?" she asked as she tucked some of her short brown hair behind her ear. The boy didn't respond and I couldn't see his face, but it didn't seem to deter the girl. Not even a minute after her question, she was talking again. "Isn't this all like, way nerve wracking? Well, guess I'll see you inside! Bye!" she called before turning and jogging away.

The boy straightened and ran a hand through his green-tinted, black hair. He was wearing a dark grey long-sleeve shirt, which was a little weird in the warm April weather, a black pair of pants and black running shoes. It was strange that he wasn't wearing a uniform, but maybe he'd been home-schooled? It didn't matter the boy was already moving towards the door and I knew I should be as well. I took one final deep breath and then made my way up the stairs and into the school.

Twenty Minutes Later

I quietly set my pencil down on the desk I was seated at. Then I set an eraser down beside it. After those were done, I took a quick peek around the room as the two heroes there, Snipe and Ectoplasm, started handing out the written exams. I could see familiar green-tinted black hair sitting by one of the windows a few seats in front of me. I could also see the girl with short brown hair sitting on the other side of the room. There were already so many people, and this was only a quarter of the Hero Course applicants.I was pulled from my thoughts as a test was placed face down on the desk in front of me. My attention zeroed in on the test in front of me as I waited for the test to begin.

"You may begin now." Snipe said in his typical, yet unusual-sounding since he spoke in Japanese, southern drawl.

 As he spoke, I looked up and saw the cowboy hero was at the front of the room and Ectoplasm was just walking out of the room. As soon as Snipe had finished speaking, I, along with all of the other applicants, quickly flipped over the test in front of me and began. I knew I could do this. I had been studying for months and I had done everything I could to prepare for this exam.

I will pass. For me. For Dad. For you mom.

Ten Minutes After The Written Exam

"What's up UA candidates?! Thanks for tuning into me, your school DJ. Come on and let me hear ya!" Present Mic called, holding a hand up to his ear. I and all of the examinees were silent. Which was kind of weird considering how many people were there. I could even see the black haired boy and the brown haired girl from earlier. "Keep'n it mellow, huh? That's fine, I'll skip straight to the main show. Let's talk about how this practical exam's gonna go down, okay? ARE YOU READY?! Yeah." Present Mic called. Again there was silence.

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