Chapter 16 - School

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~Faihato's Perspective~

"Shifuta-Chan!" my teacher called, drawing my attention from the notes had been tucking into my bag. "I need to speak with you." she said as the rest of my class filed out the door.

I nodded and finished packing up my things as the stragglers left. None of my classmates even glanced at me, but I heard a few of them snicker as they left. I just ignored them. I was used to it. As soon as the last person was gone, I picked up my bag and walked up to the front of the classroom to stand in front of my teachers desk.

"Yes, Aishi-Sensei?" I asked in a monotone. (pronounced as 'a-she')

"We need to talk." Aishi-Sensei said. She set the papers she was holding down on the desk in front of her. My expression stayed blank as I waited for her to continue.

"What about?" I asked, my voice remaining monotone, after a few minutes when she didn't continue. A lot of teachers and staff at the school seemed nervous and hesitant around me.

"It's about your participation in you classes." she said in a slightly nervous twitter. I kept my face blank, but I raised a questioning eyebrow.

"I thought my grades were fine. And I participate and cooperate in all partner and group assignments."

"Well yes," she stuttered. I waited quietly for her to collect herself. She cleared her throat and gripped her hands together tightly. "You see Shifuta-Chan, lately I've noticed that you're falling asleep in class. You also don't interact with any of your peers unless you have to. While I do appreciate and admire your dedication to your education, you need to make sure that you take care of yourself. Having friends will help you and give you connections when you go pro. I've seen your application to UA, and I have no doubt that you will get into their top hero course. You need to make sure that you take care of yourself and give yourself a support system if you want to be successful at UA. I know it hasn't been very long since your mother died, but-"

"But what?!" I snapped. Aishi-Sensei had managed to get through her whole 'speech' without stuttering. She had also, rather surprisingly, managed to maintain eye contact the entire time. As soon as I spoke up though, she visibly flinched and shrunk in on herself.

"N-nevermind." she said quickly, avoiding my piercing and analysing glare. "J-just take care of yourself. You can g-go now, Shifuta-Chan."

"Goodbye, Aishi-Sensei. Have a good weekend." I said stiffly, my face once again emotionless. She gave me a timid nod and squeaked out a high-pitched 'you too!' as I left the classroom.

The frustration and anger took hold of me as I walked through the empty hallways. There was no noise, not even the sound of my footsteps. I had learned how to silence and hide my presence a long time ago. I left the school quickly and ducked into an alleyway. After confirming there was no one around, I finally let the tears fall and the sobs escape.

Mom. I miss you.

A/N - Hello readers! I want to apologise to you. I'm so sorry for not updating yesterday. I woke up late and then was busy all day. I also apologise for how short today's chapter was. Especially since I haven't finished writing the next chapter yet, so it will probably take me a little while to get the next chapter out. I hope that you guys can forgive me!

Anyways, thank you guys so much for all of your support! We have officially reached over 600 reads! I feel so honoured that so many people are enjoying this story. It really pushes me to keep writing! When I first started doing this, my younger sister kept telling me that there were other things that I should be working on, but I really wanted to share this idea with people. I'm really glad that I kept going with it! Although I do appreciate the likes and the comments, it is completely fine if you don't. I don't want anyone to feel pressured into liking or commenting. Especially since I'm one of the people that hardly ever like or comment when I read fanfiction. 😅

Thank you so much for your support! I really appreciate all of you lovely readers! Hope you have a good day! 😊

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