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Jungkook and taehyung are still in daze by what had happened earlier. They never thought this would be like this. Two enemy became newly wedded husbands. How can fate play like this a shitty game with their life? Where both male Don't want to see their faces for once? Then how can they live like this forever? No this can't be right? Oh then a flush back came in their mind that sir says, they can divorce when everything fall silent?

It’s happen one hour ago and the teach somehow manage to shu the media away and still students are shocked by the marriage thing. Still some are murmuring and saying,
"Aren’t they both were enemies till yesterday? Then when both male came this close?

" are those picture was even real or those was edited? ".

" or someone trapped them for taking revenge? "

"Or they really in relationship? "

"Sir said, they were fiancee. Are that true?"

But both married male didn’t give a damn about those murmuring but they all are sitting together along with their friends. They Aren’t even looking at each other for once but boiling in anger in side but can't do anything, right? Then the silence broken by yoongi he took deep breathe then asked,
"First i thought this did taehyung cuz he was in rage yesterday, first he was looser at competition then both fought at Auditorium room. So i thought he did this because of revenge i mean he wants to take revenge. But when i saw him in rage then realize that It's wasn’t him."

Then eun woo said,
"I thought the same thing.. But the picture was true. Last night both taehyung and kook was together when they went to save the girl."

Then yoongi, jimin and mark looking at him in confusion. They Don't know about last night. So jimin asked,
"What happened last night? Why Don't i know? Whom are you talking about?"

Then eun woo said,
"You Don't know? Oh actually last night jungkook saw a boy named ranz dragging a girl to a classroom when all the students were busy in party. Then he went to save the girl and they both fought then taehyung also went to help him and the girl."

The three male look at the couple in shock. How can they never knew about that? But still one question roaming around everyone's mind and so mark asked,
"But that time who took those picture? Jungkook when you two get that much close do you remember? "

Then he look at mark knitting his brows and he recall about last night and then he reminded when they get close so he said,
"When that ranz guy left the room i thanked kim and he also thanked me that's it. I think that time someone took the pic like this."

And then taehyung said which made all of them shocked,
"I think that pic took by ranz himself. Cuz he was the one who left the room before us but he actually didn’t went away and took the pic for taking revenge for beating him."

Then Everyone understand the situation but can't do anything cuz whatever happened is happened. Both the male held their hair in frustration and that time they heard a familiar voice and taehyung widen his eyes and instantly stand up. He gulped in fear, embarrassment. Seeing this look of him jungkook frown but he also stand up when saw yoongi and jimin bowing the person.

"Dad what are you doing here?"

Hearing 'dad' word from taehyung mouth jungkook understand who is it. So he bowed at him. Namjoon look at his son-in-low few second then again look at his son and asked in cold tone,
"What is this?"

He showed a video where clearly showing taehyung and jungkook signing married certificate and those pictures too. Taehyung gulp then he said,
"Don't misunderstood me dad.. I can explain everything."

Then namjoon said,
"Okay i want an proper explanation so come home with me along with him."

He pointed at jungkook and this made the couple confused so jungkook asked politely,
"Um sir why me?"

Taehyung agreed and asked the same question ,
"Yes dad why him? I'm coming with you."

Namjoon glared at his son and said sternly,
"Do as i say. He is now your responsibility so i Don't want anyone to say kims didn’t accepted their son in low and didn’t take his responsibility. "

Then taehyung couldn’t dare to say a word cuz he fear his dad like hell. His dad's intimidating gaze was killing him inside but rasing rage inside too. Cuz he didn’t planning to take younger with him nor wanting to spend his life. No better jungkook so he protested seeing his husband shut mouth,
"Sir please Don't bother about me. Actually this is nothing and this married thing happened for a reason so either I'm not planning to bother you. Please Don't mind me."

Namjoon sighed but calmly stated the fact,
"Look um i Don't know your name."

Jungkook said,
"Jeon jungkook my name sir."

Then namjoon said,
"Hmm look jungkook i can understand your point but for everyone and for all of us now you are a kim too. Though you got married under the circumstances but still you are kim. As long as you are kim i Don't want anyone to say a bad word against us. So please come with us then we will thing about other thing later. "

So now jungkook also can't deny and he nodded then they bidded good bye to their friends and the couple and namjoon left for their house.


I Don't know what will happen next🥴

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