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Compeyson's POV

* I left Jip to drown in the lake as I walked away. I walked down countless streets searching for a pet shop. I spotted one and walked inside I bought Amelia a new dog, one that wouldn't ruin my plan. I eventually went back to my home and slept. In the morning I grabbed the dog and walked to Satis House. A maid let me in and showed me where Amelia was. Amelia smiled as I walked into the room. I sat across from her with the dog in hand*
Compeyson: He's a gift for my goddaughter, Matilda. It's her birthday and I had almost to pass your house.
Amelia: You must see that given the timing...
Compeyson: I see how it looked to you. But do you really think so little of me?
* Amelia chuckled lightly and said*
Amelia: I hardly know what to think. You speak words of the most tender kind, only to recant them a day later and... And ever since then you've behaved with an aloofness that borders on disdain, Just what am I supposed to think?
Compeyson: Can't you see I am possessed by you!? My waking thoughts, my sleeping thoughts are only of you. And had my words been met with anything other than cold indifference, I swear, I would have repeated them over and over a thousand times since but... Well, you could hardly have made your feelings any clearer.
* I stood up my face red with anger. I was about to leave when I heard Amelia speak*
Amelia: Wait... Stay a while.
* I nodded my head and walked over to her. I grabbed her hand carefully and helped her up from the chair. I led her into another room, a place where maids were not placed*
Compeyson: I've never spoken of it until now. I thought we'd see out our lives together.
Amelia: But it wasn't to be?
Compeyson: The very morning of our wedding, she send word she wasn't coming.
Amelia: For what reason?
Compeyson: It seems she loved someone else * I said lying about a past lover*
Amelia: Oh, I'm so sorry.
Compeyson: Here. * I said whispering*
* I picked the dog up from under the table and held him in my arms. A precious golden retriever*
Compeyson: I swore I would never let myself love again.
Amelia: Meriwether...
Compeyson: I tell you all this only to explain why it would be better if we never saw each other again.
* Amelia sighed and took two steps forward and gently grabbed my hand*

Honoria's POV

* I sat down for dinner with Frances, James, and Father. James could finally have a chance to present himself to him*
Father: So, You're a military man?
Captain Hawdon: Indeed. Sir, I'm proud to serve Queen and country.
Father: And you imagine the army will give you a career? What prospects can you hope for? Er, a posting to the colonies, I suppose? * he said quickly cutting off James*
Honoria: Well, James is soon to be a major. It's more or less assured.
Father: More or less? Well, that sounds considerably less than certain.
Honoria: Father...
Captain Hawdon: No, your father's right, Honoria. It is a question you must consider. A captain's salary doesn't amount to much, and I can hardly rely on my luck at the card table.
Father: You're a gambler?
* James nodded his head and looked down at his food*
Father: You expect me to entrust my daughter to a soldier who's reckless with money? You think I wish to see her ruined? Her living in the poorhouse?
* I looked over at James and sighed in defeat. Father quickly rose from his chair and into his office, a few minutes later James and I entered the room*
Captain Hawdon: I fear I did not give a true account of myself, sir. I'm heartily sorry if-
* James was cut off by bangs and pounds on the door*
???: Mr Barbary! Open up!
Father: It is I who should ask you forgiveness. The greatest kindness you could do Honoria is to save her from the name Barbary...
Frances: Papa?
Honoria: Whatever do you mean?
Frances: These gentleman say that you are expecting them.
* A group of four men walked into the room in black jackets*
Father: Come, gentlemen.. Do what you must.
* I immediately walked in front of father and yelled*
Honoria: No! You're not taking him! I won't let you. Papa! Tell them you're not coming. Papa, tell them!
* They grabbed father by the arms and dragged him out of the house and into a carriage*
Honoria: Where are you taking him * I screamed as the horses carried the carriage away*

Arthur Havisham x Y/n * GENDER NEUTRAL*Where stories live. Discover now