I hate love songs ♡

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Y/N Info - Fem , He/They , Witch , Emperors Coven. FIRST PERSON POV?

He smiled at Raine from across the room. He wasnt expecting Raine to look at him and grin back. How long had it been since he first saw Raine? A month.. Right?

I fixed my hood and looked forwards. My fist clenched. I had always hated love songs, I found them dumb. The idea of true love was fake. Atleast I thought it was. I had always know that the stereotypical love wasnt real. So why did I feel it when looking at them? Raine was always walking around the castle. I would make sure to see him atleast once a day. It was as if they made sure to see me to. It was pure bliss to be by them. They always got awkward speaking. It was as if I was in heaven.

*Your eyes cant hold stars and youd die if your heart really skipped.*

My hand slowly wandered to Raines, my form fitting clothing made it harder to breath. Was it that or the fact they were this close to me? I had no clue. Maybe, this was love? As we stood there we watched Belos speak. Raine smiled a bit and when I turned to them I was met with a goofy grin. And that's when I remembered. It wasnt puppy love. Raine softly kissed my cheek and I responded by kissing their forehead. And as we looked forwards the words day of unity were spoken.

please give feedback, as this is my first time writing in 1st person! If it's bad do say, as I'm used to 3rd Person POVS

Raine Whispers x Reader ONESHOTSWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt