The TV

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I was on the couch scrolling through Netflix, bored out of my mind, then I noticed TFP at the corner of my eye " I mean I have nothing better to do." I mumble to myself pressing the ok button on the remote. I gasp as I see bucket head/Megatron trapped under some rocks talking to the brat named Jack "if that is the case you might as well use your drill to finish me." Megatron said, I start to blush seeing him like this. " I guarantee you will never have a better opportunity than right now." Megatron continued in a husky voice making you blush even more, my stomach starts to rumble so I pause the show and walk into the kitchen, as I open the fridge I hear Megatron's voice "werd I thought I paused the show." I mumble to myself, and walk into the living room where I was watching the show at and saw Megatron looking at me, I shake my head thinking my eyes were playing tricks on me, but when I look back at the screen he was still looking at me but this time with a smirk on his face "hello human." Megatron said to me, I was shocked 'how is he talking to me?' I question myself, all of a sudden a arm appeared coming out of the screen and grabbed me.

(Time skip because I'm a simp)

Megatron's POV

On the nemesis

"Megatron why would you bring a human on the ship" starscream screeched upset "DON'T YOU DARE YELL AT ME STARSCREAM!" I yelled at starscream, and pull out my blaster and point it at starscream "Mmmmhhhh wha-what happened?" The human said, I lean forward and look at the cute human "m-megatron" the human said in fear " HOW dare you say his name!" Starscream yelled walking towards the human "STARSCREAM! Leave my bridge." I yelled back at him, starscream left and I looked back at the human "yes?" I answered the human " what am I doing here?" The human asked with a slight blush "I brought you here. Sweetie~" I said with a sly grin making the human blush even more "m-my name is Y-Y/n" y/n said stuttering not knowing how to react "well then y/n, do you know why I have brought you here?" I ask her while grinning "n-no, why?" She asked "I am in need of a queen by my side, and when I saw you I knew you were the one for me"


I'm sorry for the short chapter, but hey what can I do? anyway Megatron's hips, like have you seen them, holy shit look 👀😳

I'm sorry for the short chapter, but hey what can I do? anyway Megatron's hips, like have you seen them, holy shit look 👀😳

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my God is he fine.

Anyways bye bitches RU out!

when he saw her (Megatronxreader)Where stories live. Discover now