Chapter 1 : What's Happening?

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As I began to slip into consciousness, I felt a dull pounding in the back of my head. Weird. I don't recall hitting my head.

I've never been know to be clumsy or to drink too much to the point where I don't remember what happened. In fact, I rarely ever drank.  I distinctly remember never leaving my shitty apartment last night. 

Now that I think about it, I shouldn't be waking up at all. If my memory serves me right, I was shot in the chest by some thieves who broke into my shitty one room apartment. I remember feeling my life force slowly slipping from my body, the end credits song of my favorite show to bad mouth, the vampire diaries, played in the background; lulling me into death's cold arms. I hadn't necessarily wanted to die, but my life sucked so I welcomed death when it was introduced to me. How did my life suck?

Well, both my parents were alcoholics and drug addicts who spent more time arguing than taking care of their only child. Then at age 10, I was sent off to an orphanage states away from my home state of Wisconsin after my father killed my mother and took his own life in a drunken rage. I was forced to stay in that slum of an orphanage that had walls lined with mold, and the floors covered in grim, for 2 years til I was sent to a foster home. I stayed with the family for 2 years until the system stopped checking in on me and the family decided to move states, abandoning me. Instead of going back to the shitty orphanage, I decided to quit school and work a whole bunch of minimum wage jobs in order to afford food and a shitty roof over my head. Which leads me to last night, when I was murdered at the age of 20.

I'm supposed to be dead. How am I not?

I open my eyes to realize that I'm not even in my apartment. I'm in a strange bedroom the size of my apartment with dark walls and black drapes which keeps the sun from shining through the bay-window with two doors. WTF! Who in their right mind would put me in such a nice bed?! I'm a grimy girl with greasy hair and dirt kissed skin!

I slid out of the strange bed and headed towards the door that was closed to see where it led. I staggered out the door and what I saw made my heart stop.

Jeremy fucking Gilbert standing in a hallway!!

My head began to spin as I tried to comprehend what I was seeing. My body swayed without my consent, and the sound of my body lightly hitting the wall or my ragged breathing must have alerted Jeremy to presence because he then turned to look at me.

I stared into his dark brown eyes for a moment before I began to fall and my vision turned black.

"Come on, Marilyn, open your eyes sweetheart." A familiar female voice begged, while cradling my hand in her own.

"What's going on?" I weakly grumble out, rubbing my eyes with my unoccupied hand. I tried to sit up but I was forced back down gently by a firm hand.

Once my vision cleared I saw Jenna Sommers, Elena Gilbert, and Jeremy Gilbert all staring at me with worry marring their faces.

"You passed out, Mar." Jeremy said, worry coating his typically angsty teen voice.

"Are you alright?" Elena asked, putting her hand on mine. Bitch don't touch me.

"I'm fine, Elena. I must have not drank enough water yesterday." I tell her, hoping to soothe her worries. I didn't really know what to say to them, because I didn't really know my role here but these three sure as hell did. I'll just act like I'm still not feeling the best until I can figure out what's going on.

My best bet is to probably steal Elena's diary, since that girl writes everything in that thing.

"You are not fine, Mar! You fainted! You could have cracked your head open if I hadn't caught you!" Jeremy exclaimed, furious that I was trying to downplay the situation.

Being slightly light-headed must have been getting to me because a few tears began to fall from my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Jer." I whimpered, causing Elena and Jenna to pull me into a hug and glare at the Gilbert boy. Jer's face and tone immediately softened upon seeing my tears.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Mar. I'm just worried about you." Jer said, taking my hands in his, bending down so that we were making eye contact with one another.

"Here." Jenna said, handing me a water bottle. When the hell did she leave the room and how the hell did I not hear her come back?!

I took some sips from the plastic bottle til it was half empty since I was actually thirsty.

"You don't have to go to school today if you don't feel up to it." Jenna said kindly. She was so sweet. How could Elena and Jeremy take her for granted?

I gave Jenna a weak smile, "It's alright Jenna, I'll go to school. I don't want to miss anything, and I'll bring some water with me."

Jenna looks hesitant but she agrees. "Okay, if you are sure."

"Bonnie will be here in 20 minutes." I nodded as she and Elena left the room.

"I'll see you at school and if you feel dizzy or unwell at any time today, come and find me, okay?" Jeremy demands softly and nod in agreement. He then gives me a tight hug (which I returned awkwardly since I've never been hugged by anyone before) and exits the room leaving me alone with no clue what to do.

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