ISSUE 2: Reunions and Reflections!

Start from the beginning

"It's starting to get late," Harry checked his grandfather clock and stood up from the chair to stretch his muscles. "We should probably turn in for tonight. Mortimer will escort you to one of the guest bedrooms."

"I don't know, Harry. I don't want to seem like a burden to you," Peter rubbed his arm.

"It's no trouble. You are my guest after all," Harry smiled while putting his hand on Peter's shoulder.

"Well if you insist. It sure beats having to sleep in some dank alleyway somewhere," Peter chuckled as he began to go in the hallway to have a talk with Mortimer about the spare bedroom While Harry sat back in his chair.

"Night, Harry," Peter yawned.

"G'night, Pete," Harry yawned back and then Peter closed the double doors.

Harry pondered on what's his next course of action with Peter should be when suddenly he hears the doors opening up to see his two wards.

"Knock, Knock," Mattie playfully said while knocking on the wood of the door.

"Did you two enjoyed your date night?" Harry pleasantly asked.

"We had a blast. The food was good and we talked. Couldn't asked for anything more, but we're clearly not here to discuss that," Mattie stated while crossing her arms.

"Think the new guy's story checks out?" Ollie inquired due to having a quick chat with Mortimer about knowing more about their mentor's relationship with this world's Peter Parker in the dining room.

"He said that he was fighting his Earth's Green Goblin and the variant of Norman used some sort of "mystical object" to transport him here to our dimension. Normally, I would've thought this whole thing to be crazy, but after spending years solving bizarre cases and warding off the Asgardian Invasion, it taught to me to always expect the unexpected," Harry stated while he was staring out the window looking at the city.

"Are you sure that having this dude around the mansion would be a good idea? We barely know the guy and he could be trying to use you so that he can infiltrate the lair," Ollie suggested out of paranoia.

"Harry, I know he may seem a lot like your departed friend...but you do know that he's not actually him, right?" Mattie asked out of concern for her mentor.

"...I know," Harry sighed as he himself knows that the Peter from another universe cannot fill the void. "Consider this as my way of finally getting some closure. If you two feel like he can't be trusted, then perhaps I propose a solution to help ease some of our doubts."

"And what that might be?" Ollie asked.

"Quentin called a week ago and said that he was returning to New York sometime tomorrow. I need the two of you to go pick him up from Grand Central," Harry said.

"Nope. Nah. No way. Absolutely not him," Mattie shook her head.

"I get that you guys don't have the best relationship in the world, but right now he could be useful in getting inside Peter's head," Harry sighed.

"You think he would go for having someone poking inside his brain?" Ollie asked his mentor.

"It's the only way to find out if the man is telling the whole truth, and he showed up in Ben's old home in Forest Hills which was where the energy spikes were detected so that can't be a coincidence," Harry firmly stated.

"Yeah but does it really have to be Quentin?" Mattie groaned as she doesn't want to deal with that self-centered gremlin.

"Do you know any other telepaths that aren't him?" Harry raised a eyebrow.

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