Weekend Sleepover

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  What normally happens on the weekends is the kids are out of school until Monday morning. Kids will normally go to the park, play video games, ride bikes. Kids stuff. However when it comes to the Kids Next Door, It rotates when which group of five sectors can have a weekend off from fighting evil adults. Sector V ended up being one of the five sectors to be off. Back at the treehouse in the lounge room, Numbuh 5 and 2 are going to Numbuh 86's sleepover while Numbuh 2 and 8 are going on a trip with Numbuh 2's family to their weekend cabin. Numbuh 4 however sits there feeling like he has nothing to do for the weekend. As he stomps over to the couch pouting...Numbuh 3 and 5 walk up to him as Abby smirks and tells him, "Why Numbuh 4.....why don't you come to Numbuh 86's sleepover unless you gon sneak in again as a girl hehehehehehe!" She said snickering along with Numbuh 3. Numbuh 4 blushes at the memory of that night. It was a strange night as the original plan was to just see what happens at girls sleepover but ended up turning into fighting teen ninjas and seeing a former operative betray them. "No goin to some ol cruddy girly sleepover. Hhhmph!" He huffed in frustration. Numbuh 2 came back from the kitchen asking about their leader's plans as he is the only one that hasn't said what he wants to do. "Actually whats Numbuh 1 gonna do dis weekend then?" Numbuh 8 following behind Numbuh 2 with a spoon of ice cream in his mouth says with a chipper smile, "Ol cousin says he gon stick back and keep watch of things. You know he the lad waorks!" He says still shoveling down ice cream. Numbuh 2 smacks him on the head reminding him he will get a brain freeze if he does not slow down. After an hour the team left which left Numbuh 4 no choice but to go home. He was grabbing his stuff until something else stopped him. "Numbuh 4?" Numbuh 4 turned around to see Numbuh 1 in the door way. He looked a bit surprised but at the same time Numbuh 4 couldn't tell if he looked relieved or not. "What are you doing here? Don't you got plans for this weekend?" The brit asked the aussie. Wally sighed hard and kicked his foot a bit in defeat. "No. I don't. SO I guess imma just head back home." He says still annoyed. Numbuh 1 stood there for a second thinking to himself. Before Numbuh 4 could walk out the lounge door, Numbuh 1 stopped him grabbing his left shoulder to halt his tracks. Numbuh 4 turned around confused on why his leader and best friend stopped his tracks. "If you don't got plans all weekend....do you um.....wanna stay here for the weekend at my house?" Numbuh 1 asked looking away rubbing his head. He was slightly blushing since he never asks anyone that. Numbuh 4 seemed surprised at the sudden proposal. "Yeah! Sure! I can head home and grab some stuff for us to play if you-" "Non sense. I got stuff we can do here. Last christmas my parents got me a new Gintendo sai console. And we can order pizza too if you want." Numbuh 1 said. Numbuh 4 nodded in agreeement and they started parting down to the door that leads to Numbuh 1's house. Numbuh 1 made sure the treehouse security system was armed and set before leaving.

After making it down to Nigel's house, they were greeted by Nigel's parents. His dad was watching tv while their mom just got off the phone with the pizza place. "Hello Nigel dear- Oh! You brought the Beetle's son here?" She was surprised her son brought a friend home. Nigel looked away embarrassed. Wally looked the other way someone flustered. He would go to Hoagie's house sometimes but since Carson and him been hanging out a lot they haven't had time to hang out. "Yes mom." He replied rubbing the back of his head." Its fine he stays over the weekend is it?" He asked Mrs. Uno. She smiled and grabbed the house phone motioning an okay signal. "I'll let your parents know love! And its Friday so I did order our usual pizza are you okay with that, Wallabee?" She asked as he awkwardly smiled and said "Yes. Thank you!" they both went to Nigel's room afterwords. "This is the first time I've been in your room. Better than mines." Wally said awe. Nigel put his hand on top of his head and ruffled Wally's hair in reassurance. "I'm sure there is nothing wrong with your room. It'll be okay." He said smiling with confidence. Wally looked down blushing a bit at the sudden contact while saying thanks to him. 'Why am I getting flustered by him messing with my hair? Its just Numbuh 1?! Wait why am I acting like a girly girl??!' Wally thought to himself cheeks flushed while patting his face to snap out of it. Nigel turned on the console getting two controllers out for them two. Wally saw all the games he has and then spotted one of his favorite games in there. "You got Guilty Gear?!?!" He asked in excitement. Nigel Smiled in surprise that he also likes this game. "Yeah isn't it fun?! I normally play this alone but now you're here it'll be better!" Nigel said popping the game in then realized his choice of words and looked away a bit flushed. "Anyways haha....Lets get started." He said as he handed Wally a controller. They picked their characters as they set the arena difficulty and timing for the match.

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