with you my life is better without you i fall a part Part 25

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the next harry me and the lads got ready to go and do some show around the uk before we got back on the road again tour for the 3 leg because when i came back it was have way thought the second leg of the tour but as we where in the cars we where all hoping that babies where ok they where in one of the vans with nannies and the nannies where to see the at the HOTEL ok because we did not want them hurt anyway because we know the fans will be coming at us fast and hard but us all being dads now we just hope they where safe and it was also good that mine and harry mother where there as well to help all of the nannies and so was my older sister and gamma because we did not want to leave them home alone because jake could come looking for my sister and i would want to kill him if he lay one hand on my sister and her baby so as we are drvie we pull up 2 the o2 for a dress rehearsal for the show tonight .we could here the fans yelling we love 1d and as we all walk we jump by the press they had pull niall down to the grown and that piss me off and i ran after him told him off and niall yell just like old times

later after we where all done and clear of the rehearsal and the show that night we all went back to the hotel where the nannies all had the kids a sleep we all had the top know one that was not with us was allowed up there we had all said go night and went to are rooms as couples for the night the babies room were off for there nannies room in case they need anything in the middle of the night because had a early tv to be on in the morning and we had to be up at 4 am .we where all asleep when some nut ball of a fan got up on the floor and tried to take one of the babies but lucky gamma stop her

gamma - i saw some nut ball fan go into the room that all the babies and nannies where staying in and all of the babies and nannies where a sleep for the night and i knew the nannies where doing there job right i mean it was bed time for all of us the nannies would not be a wake at this time of night unless one of the babies had woke up so i ran down the hall where are security guards where and got pual and told him what i had saw thought my widow when i woke up to use the bathroom

pual - (opens the door )-gamma what do you need

gamma - pual i just saw so nut ball fan i could fan go in the room where the nannies and babies are at and saw thought my window when i woke up to use the bathroom

paul- ok ill check it out but you come with to make sure it the person you had saw thought your window

gamma - ok when me and pual got to the room the fan was coming out with one of the babies and told pual there she was and she had one of the babies and he asked me which baby because i knew them all by take and saw it was hope

pual -what baby is it gamma

gamma - it hope

pual- after gamma told me it was hope i ran and stop the young fan and we got her just in time it seem she was going to hold hope to get zayn to sleep with her for one night because she a nut ball about him and she would doing anything to get him even if it for one night even if he was bi and with harry .but i took hope form her and the cops to her a way and that luck her up for the night and stuff and work it out in the morning .i took hope back to the room the babies where and saw one of the nannies and told her what had happen .and she thanks and see that hope would be ok .and i went to let harry and zayn know about what that nut ball of fan did .

harry -(opens up the door)-paul what do you need

pual- just want to tell that some nut ball of a fan try to kidnap hope but we got her back and her is security there now and she fine we got the nut ball she luck up

harry-thanks pual and thank got ill get zayn and tell him when he gets out of the shower and we will go check in on hope thanks again and thank gamma for us

zayn-(comes out of the bathroom)- who was that baby and what did they want

harry- that was paul and he said that some nut ball of a fan try to kidnap hope but gamma saw got him in time she want to hole hope until you had sex with her she was nut job but hope safe and there are security in the babies rooms now so the nannies can sleep as well security work in changing up all the the nannies need to be with the babies 24/7 when on tour to help us with them


HARRY- clam down baby we need just make sure hope is fine and then we can go to bed for the night before where back on the road again in a couple of days

zayn- your right lets just go and see how she doing baby and holding up

harry- lets go we walk down to the babies rooms to see if hope was ok when we got there we saw that jen was there feeding her babies and niall was helping clean them up there nannies where helping to but it went faster with the four of them

niall- hay mate we hear what had happen but hope just fine i check on her when i came in and jen clean her up for you we did not if paul woke you to tell you or not

zayn - well he did and i'm just happy that my baby is safe i would fake that i was going to have sex with and then get the cops in in time and got hope out right a way because there know way i was going go thought with it for real because when i with someone i'm faithful

just then liam and louis came in with gamma and my sister because they want to see if hope was ok to because all of us were worried because where all like family .once we all knew that hope was fine and we all had check in on are babies we where just about to go back to are rooms when the morning sickness hit my sister hard and harry had some left over morning sickness from when he was peg so he gave a couple and soon she felt better gamma took her back to there room and me harry went back to are we said goodnight to the nannies and kiss are babies heads before we left

we got back to are room and harry could tell that i was still worried about what almost happen to hope because some sick fan want to have sex with me and it was just so sick to know that someone was will to but my daughters life on the line there some sick fucks i n the world , he took me in his arms and pull me to bed for the night and rub my back and kiss me and told me he loved me and kiss my head i kiss him back and said i love you to and with we both when to sleep knowing that hope was safe and sound and thank god because if anything happen to her i don't know what i would do but knowing she was ok i close my eyes and fell asleep knowing my family was fine