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We planing the wedding i was watching harry the hole time he had a smile on his face and that what was making me harry the more i see my baby happy the more i am .i listen to what my mother and harry mother said and the in put harry was putting .when my mother asked me what i thought

zayn mother - zayn what do you think about the colors and the food for your 's and harry wedding my mother asked

zayn - i'm happy with wath very harry want s because i love him and i just want the day to be what he wants because he ill i want

ann- ok harry son you got yourself a keeper this time

harry- ya mom i do (kiss zayn )

zayn mother - Why could your been that easy going when we got marry it took 3 weeks for us to just pick the colors

zayn- Ya you told me dad kept on not liking any color you picked out until you both thought red was nice and black

ann - you thought that was bad harry father did even want to sit in on the planing for are wedding he want to run off and get married

LIAM AND LOUIS - really mr styles want to run off

ann- ya he did

louis - that did not think he was the run off get fast married type (covers is mouth oh runs to the bathroom)

LIAM - his morning sick need to check on him be right back

ann -OK i hope louis is alright

liam - he should be it just where he carrying twins it hard on him

harry- i bet mate why don't you give him one of the pills for morning sickness it should help him a little (covers his mouth and runs to the bathroom)

zayn- and now my baby morning sickness is acting up i'll go check on him it a good thing we have 4 bathrooms

zayn mother -yes it a good thing

ann- it just hit where niall and his gf would be here to

zayn - niall is in paris with jen for her birthday and he asking her to marry him we don't know if she will say yes or not and we hope she will because she carrying 4 babies for him

just then my phone went off

zayn- hello

niall - she said yes mate

zayn - that good what you and you and her doing now

niall -she in the bathroom putting on little something if you know what i mean

zayn- wow well i am for happy you mate i'll tell the others see you when you get back

niall- will do mate talk later

zayn - (gets off the phone) that was niall he on top of the world because jen said yes i think he doing a happy dance well i better go check on harry and know liam checking on louis

i went to check in on harry and see if he doing any better

zayn- hay baby you feeling alright

harry - it just the morning sickness it kicking in but i took one of my morning sickness pills god it so hard i'm ever going to say a woman as it easy anymore i don't know how they do it baby

zayn - you will be just fine because i'm with you every step of the why

harry - thanks baby love you lets get back to planing the wedding

zayn- ya lets and niall called and said that jen said yes

harry- that good bet there getting it on tonight

zayn- oh they are trust me she even put something sexy on for him

harry - dam niall going to have fun tonight

zayn- me thinks so come on lets get back to planing are wedding

we both walk back to the living room liam and louis where back now form a other bathroom and i could tell he was feeling a bit better now so we all went back to planing the wedding after a while it was getting late so my and harry mothers .left to go home soon after so did liam and louid becasue louis was feeling to good liam thought it was best he get home and bed .we said good by to them then me and harry got on the stuff and what some movies after a bit i could tell that harry back was killing him .so i pick him up and walk up to are bedroom with him i lay him down and started to rub is back and his feet his hole body for him .and i knew he was feeling much better now i bent down and kiss his lips . and soon after we fell asleep god love him so much dam harry styles is my baby now and always and when we get married it going to be the best day one off the best days of my life because the more i see him and do with him i know this is where i need to be and we will keep each other form taking a dark road

in the middle of the night i woke up to the sound of harry toss his cookies again and went to check on i felt is forehead

zayn- baby your warm come on lets get you back to bed and i'll get you something to make you feel better

harry - thank you baby

zayn - hay what are soon to be husband for

i walk down to the dinning room and got harry some pills and then i got him some soup and 7up for his sickness and took it back up to him then got cold towel and put it on his forehead after he was fish is soup and 7up and then i climb in next to pulling him in to arms

zayn- rest now baby because like i keep saying i want my babies well

harry-ok baby and thank you again

zayn - love you my baby get some sleep

and with that harry fell back to sleep and i'll check on him in the morning because i know that it hard on him but i'll be with him each step of one the way with him because that what love is i will not walk out on him because i love him way to much i kiss his forehead and when back to sleep