Ch-12 Hot babes n sunny days 😎

Start from the beginning

Fukk equality: dare i say...16k 😯

Ass: im letting him bleed out 🏃‍♂️


Fukk equality: aw fuk, i cant believe uve done this


Mommy: gottem

Cake stealing rat: werent u the same asshole that called arlo rock hard

Mommy: 1. Were u not just dead five seconds ago 2. I will break those budget bargin bin pens.. blend them, and force u to drink them through a paper straw if u ever mention that again

Cake stealing rat: yes mother, sorry mother 😨

Sera: ur rare insults are what drive me to live everyday

Mommy: ❤❤❤❤❤

Mommy: not to be melo dramatic but

Mommy: since u ditched me last week i was forced to eat by MYSELF, staring into the wilderness, sad, depressed, so lonely

Mommy: the birds were the only ones keeping me company

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: you arent a disney princess, im sure they flew away.

Mommy: th.e wild squirrels that found their way onto the roof somehow kept my lonely soul company

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: I've never seen a squirrel on the compound.

Mommy: shut the fuck up im trying to be convincing

Mommy: seraaa :(

Sera: drop ur location biatch were having lunch

Cake stealing rat: gaslight gatekeep girlboss

Ass: slay..?

Fukk equality: kinda proud..



Sera: heart

Sera: this adorable little bean just came up to me n gave me a slice of cake cause she saw i didnt get one

Ass: gae

Fukk equality: marry her.

Mommy: sera ur gae is showing

Sera: idc im hunting her down for her number 🏃‍♂️

cake stealing rat: sera stalker arc?

The real shi TM:

Ass: can i PLEASE change my name now?

Mommy: no

Fukk equality: i want to buy a new juice maker but im broke

Cake stealing rat: i feel that

Sera: ill lend u some cash

Fukk equality: really?😢

Ass: yea ofc

Ass: we are pretty much all friends..( minus john.)

Mommy: wow fukk u 🖕

Equality: dont worry elaine ill go steal arlos money and give u :D

Mommy: breaking into houses? Aw hell yea!

Ass: dudes loaded..

Cake stealing rat: fr he casually wears diamnd earings to schl

Sera: he had a gucci belt too, i saw it

Ass: rich ppl have the worst taste

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: Im not letting you guys in.

Mommy: ill just break in 🖕

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: thats illegal??????

Mommy: the law is just a social construct
-Message deleted-

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: Im calling the fucking police.🤦‍♂️

Mommy: ill kill u while ur takin a shit, nobody'll know who did it

Fukk equality: ...ewww...

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: ..couldnt you have said sleep??

Mommy: everybody knows thats not ehen ur most vulnerable

Cake stealing rat: no hang on, he has a point

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: no he fucking doesnt

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: you know what, fuck this. Ill get you a spare just stop with this bullshit

Cecile: cripple has keys to kings house? Breaking news!

Cake stealing rat : i knew ghey were fuckin'

Sera: todays screenshots r immaculate

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: this makes no sense

Sera: well if u squint a lil..


Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: i hate my life

Mommy: you said that 50 times now, dumb fuck

(Dont forget to vote! It gives me motivation!)

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