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Jordan's POV:

I looked towards the bush with my gun at the ready. I was going to shoot when a bullet fired from the bush and I saw Tom collapse to the ground with blood seeping through his t-shirt.

"Oh fuck, what have i done?" a Guy with ginger her ran towards us and went to help the almost unconnscious Tom up, I pointed my gun towards his head and was ready to fire

"keep your hands of him" the guy put his hands up and spoke

"I'm sorry but if you want him to live help me carry him back to my house I know someone who can help" I lowered my gun and walked to Tom and picked him up while clutching his wound to stop the bleeding and I stated to run with the guy following me.

Ruth's POV:

I sat on a nearby log and was getting impatient

"They should be back, I'm going to find them" I got up and walked towards where Jordan and Tom went we heard a gunshot earlier so it might of been a zombie, I just went to check if everything was ok. But it wasn't. Blood covered the dirt floor and Tom or Jordan where no where to be seen, I scremed so loud Sonja and Tucker ran towards me with James inbetween them

"What's wrong?" Sonja lay her free hand on my back and while covering my mouth I pointed to the patch of blood on the floor.

Jordan's POV:

I ran to the house with Tom over my shoulder his breathing was slowing down. once i got there, a girl with lilac dyed hair was standing with her hands over her mouth

"was he bit?" she asked me, I shook my head and I was let inside and led to a room with medicine, bandages and lots more. I lay Tom on the bed and the girl pushed me out the room and closed the door

"Will he be ok?" the guy with ginger hair asked from behind me, in anger I pushed him to the wall and shouted at him

"you've done enough why would you just shoot him?" he looked at me with fear in his eyes

"I-I'm s-sorry I thought he was one of them. Is there anything i could do?" I released my grip off his hoody and placed my head in my hands

"You could go back to that path and get the rest of my group and tell his girlfriend.." I pointed to the room and continued "That you shot him and he may not live" he quickly nodded and sprinted out the door.

Ruth's POV:

I rested my head on to Sonja's shoulder and started to cry, I couldn't look at the mess again.

"Where could they go?" Wag kept staring at the patch of blood and shook his head

"I don't know but what ever happened and whoever did this will pay" I dried the tears from my face and was about to start searching for Jordan and Tom when someone ran towards us. I grabbed my sword and pointed it at him "STOP! Your friends are at my house but one of them is in a bad condition. Please hurry" I quickly put my sword away and followed him, running as fast as i could along the path. What if it's Tom!

"Wait, Ruth we have wag" I stopped and looked behind me where Tucker and Sonja were struggling with James

"Can you help my friends? I must see if Tom is ok" The guy nodded and I quickly followed the path to the house.

I ran to the house and saw Jordan sitting on a set of stairs with his head in his hands

"Jordan. Where's Tom and what happened?" he looked up at me and sat there silently, so I walked into the house

"Ruth Stop!" Jordan ran after me and grabbed me I started to struggle but he was too strong

"You can't go in" he let me go and placed his hands on my shoulders I started to cry again and tried to speak

"But I need to see him" he sat me down and started to comfort me

"You need to wait Ruth"

And Yous need to wait too. Don't worry a new chapter will be out soon so keep a look out :3

The Surviving Youtubers (Syndicate fanfic) On Holdحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن