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Ruth's POV:

I was running as fast as i could trying to get away from the mob of zombies that were after us, It was too dark to see where everyone else ran so all i did was trust my instincts. After a while I found a forest with a tree i could climb to sleep in that would protect me from zombies, so I climbed up far enough to be safe, closed my eyes and fell asleep.

"HELP!" I suddenly woke up to the sound of someone screaming "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP" I quickly got down falling a past a few branches on to the ground but that didn't stop me I ran to the screaming with my sword in hand until i saw someone struggling on the ground with 4 zombies after him I quickly ran to him and sliced the zombies heads off and watched them fall to the ground "Who are you?" I pointed my sword at the guy, he looked near enough the same age and had brown hair "M-My name is James" he said in a British accent I slowly lowered my sword and let out my hand "I-I can't get up, my ankle is broken" I looked at his squint foot and squirmed at the sight. I kneeled beside him and put his arm around my shoulder and helped him up we both then limped up a path further away from the barn. I suddenly collapsed from the heat and James fell with me, I curled up into a ball and started to cry, I couldnt hold it in anymore I missed Tom he was always caring what if he is dead and i will never see him again?

After a while i remembered about James after he placed his hand on my shoulder "What's wrong?" he asked I looked at him and wiped my tears away "Oh, sorry I just miss someone who I got seperated from not long ago" He dragged himself beside me and handed me a bottle of water he had in his bag "Take of those hoodies you must be overheating" I took off the hoodies and handed them to him, they were Tom's. I almost drank half the bottle before handing it back to James and noticing him examining one of the hoodies "Where did you get this?" It was the hoddy with the saying "Lifes too short make the most of it" on it "My friend's, His name was Tom. Why?" he suddenly looked at me in shock "Did you say Tom?" I nodded and he smiled "we must find him. Come on help me up" I asked him why and he didn't reply until i helped him up "Tom was my friend before this all started, I thought he was dead"

We dragged ourselves so far I got so frustrated I started screaming Tom's name and James tried to cover my mouth to stop me shouting before I attracted Zombies

Tom's POV:

I quickly sat down on the ground we had been walking for hours and I wasn't moving another step until I knew where Ruth was "Tom we need to go before it gets dark" Tucker said sternly "NO, if Sonja was missing you would not go until you found her" I folded my arms now and was completly blocking Tucker out I was almost cying but i heard someone scream my name. I quickly got up and listened thoroughly trying to find out where it came from then I saw two figures moving "TOM!" I ran closer to the figures without hesitance "Ruth?" I looked closely and saw her with another guy being dragged beside her. I ran and went to hug her before she stopped me "Tom do you know James?" she pointed to the guy next to her and I almost cried with joy. "Wag" I wrapped my arms around both of them and wouldnt let go. Tucker, Jordan and Sonja ran towards us and were so shocked at what they saw "W- we thought you were dead wag" Sonja spoke after the we were all reunited "I thought the same thing for you four. I would of been dead if Ruth never found me" I looked to her and kissed her "I'm so glad you are both here"

It was still quite early and we had to find Wag help before his leg healed that way so me and Jordan walk further up to a path to find a nearby house "Tom, I see something but help me up this tree so i can see better" I placed my hands by the tree to help Jordan up and as he climbed he shouted down to me "Theres a house not that far, maybe someone is there" he jumped down and we were about to walk back to the rest of the group when the bushes rustled, we turned towards it and we had our weapons ready I almost ran at th bush until I felt a pain through my side and everything went black. The last thing I saw was blood on my hands.

The Surviving Youtubers (Syndicate fanfic) On HoldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora