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After finally being set free, he went and did what he always does by nature when he takes control; kill.. bring pain... destroying until nothing but flames remained... causing chaos.. He was teleporting to different dimentions, destroying and killing until there was nothing left. The killing and chaos brought him joy, it made him to want to continue killing.

The light of the flames reflected off of his quiet beautiful, but very spiky golden-yellow quills and his soft, light-tan skin. His eyes weren't like his other half (as one would say), instead, he had red spirals for eyes, which looked quiet psychotic. He looked around, observing his surroundings and the destruction he caused, an evil, but crazy smile forming on his face; his ghost-white and dager sharp teeth being shown.

He laughed chaoticly, knowing that nothing in this universe could stop him. He doesn't have to worry about his other side trying to regain control.. he doesn't have to worry about feeling trapped with seemingly no way out. He was free to do what ever the hell he wanted; anyone who gets in his way, they'll be killed.

He teleports to another world, seeing nothing but red. He tilts his head to the side. There doesn't seem to be anyone here.. but he can sense that there are quite a few others here. He could feel that someone was behind him and turns around to see a demon hedgehog floating in front of him.

The demon hedgehog looked a lot like Sonic, but his quills were a more mid-night blue, his skin seemed to be more pale, his eyes were red, with the white parts being black. He had blood coming from his eyes and his gloves looked like they were stained with blood. He examined Fleetway for a couple of seconds before opening his mouth to speak. "Who are you and why are you here? Why do you look like Sonic when he's in his Super?" The demon hedgehog asked, his voice was deep, slightly corrupted, and had a slight echo too.

The golden-yellow hedgehog crossed his arms, "hmm.... why should I tell you who I am??" He asked back, his voice was more higher pitched compared to the other's voice. There was a slight, but smooth rasp to his voice, and it also echoed.

"Well, you've entered my world, the EXE World," the demon hedgehog stated, "so tell me.. who are you and why are you here?"

"Tch, why should it matter?!" He starts laughing chaoticly, "everyone here's going to die anyway!"

The other's eyes widened. "You enjoy killing too? Well, that's one thing we have in common then. Anyways, I'm Sonic.EXE.. welcome to my world I guess. As you can see, there's not a lot here, but its good enough for us."

"Us...? There are others here..?

Sonic.EXE nodded, "yep, there's me, Majin, Lord X, Tails Doll, Faker, Sunky." He paused and looked at the golden-yellow hedgehog, "and you now..... uh.. your name..?"

"I'm Fleetway, Fleetway Super Sonic!"

"Well then, Fleetway, you're here now too... if you want to stay anyway. It doesn't seem like you can die, so no point in trying to kill you. And before you ask, no, no one else here can die."

Fleetway growled lowly, "damn it.... But I can still stay here?"

"Only if you want," Sonic.EXE said before he teleported away.

Fleetway started to float around, exploring the area, seeing what was around. The sky was a bright red, though not to bright, with black clouds roaming around in the sky. The trees that where around, had no leaves on them what so ever. The grass was a very dull, almost brown yellow-green. He floating to the edge of a platform and looked down, seeing his reflection. All the water that is supposed to be around had been replaced with blood.

Fleetway had a psychotic look on his face when seeing the blood. "Hmmmm...... this actually seems like my kind of place.. I think I might stay here.. I mean, EXE said it was fine after all." He floated away from the blood lake and tried to find some where he could sleep.

After floating around for a bit, Fleetway found a nice open area, it seems like a nice place to rest. He'd been destroying worlds non stop for who knows how many years, some well deserved rest wouldn't hurt. He did a small streatch before laying down on the slightly rough grass, curling up. "Hmm...... this is quite comfortable....." he said as he closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.

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