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Danbi was awakened by the sound of her ringing phone. Blindly grabbing it from her desk, she searched for the accept button. Through squinted eyes, she was able to see that it was Youngjo who was calling her at this hour.


"Danbi?" his voice sounded worried, hectic almost.

"Mhh?" her voice hadn't awoken yet.

"We have a problem."


"We have been caught together yesterday. Our pictures are all over social media, and rumours are spreading. They're worse than private spies, I'm scared they might even find your house."

Danbi was busy scrolling through her feed. Everywhere were pictures of Youngjo and her walking and laughing arm in arm. Then a picture of them kissing popped up. Shit. Then, she saw how somebody had reposted the picture of Youngjo and Princess Minnie. However, Danbi had been circled by the user who was claiming that this was Danbi in the back of it. Unmistakably, they were right about it. What else might they find out?


"Yeah, I just saw..." she sighed "what are we supposed to do?"

"Once my father finds out, he will rip my head off."

"Youngjo, just tell me what to do. Should I come over?"

"Yes... we need to explain this to him together. Maybe it'll make things easier."

The female doubted this. The King's wrath would be great and there was no dodging it. Yet, she agreed and got ready. Calling for an uber, she tried to not be seen in public. Nevertheless, even the uber driver was looking at her with curious eyes. Danbi just wanted to hide from the whole world at that moment.

Even as she left the car, she put on a mask and a black beanie to not be recognised. It didn't help. Paparazzi were camping in front of the palatial building waiting for someone to either enter or leave.

Arriving at the palace, the guards immediately let her in as the Prince was hurrying outside to meet Danbi himself. Right as he came outside, the flashes of the cameras were torturing his eyes. The paparazzi yelled, blurting out both of their names to get them to look at them. The couple didn't even dare to touch each other, they just entered the building with quick steps. This would definitely be yet another headline.

"He knows," Youngjo stated as they stood in front of the King's room.

"Shit." the male just nodded.

When they entered the room, the King was sitting on a huge armchair staring out of his window in thought. Even as the door closed behind the two young people, he behaved as if he hadn't noticed them.

"I was expecting you two to show up here today." his powerful voice echoed through the room.

"We want to explain ourselves, we-"

"There is no such thing as an explanation needed" Youngjo was cut off by his father. Danbi didn't dare to speak up.

"You both have severely damaged our image. Even after I sent Princess Minnie your way, son, you have once again decided to not follow my instructions by sending her away. On top of that, you let yourself be caught with the daughter of my former advisor, a woman of no special heritage."

"I do not care about heritage."

"That does not matter," the King's tone became threatening "did you truly believe you could end up marrying Danbi? When will you realise that this is far bigger than just your own small world? When will you grow up, son?"

"It is my fault that we have been spotted," Danbi finally spoke one's mind with a shaking voice "I'm sorry for causing any inconvenience."

"It does not concern who is at fault for you two getting caught. In the end, both of you are blameworthy. However, what's of great importance is the fact that you got caught. Moreover, the fact that my son has decided to run away from his duties once again."

Danbi glanced over to Youngjo whose hand she had held the entire time. A tear was rolling down his cheek as he tightly squeezed her hand. He knew what was coming. Looking at his devastation, the female wanted to burst into tears. One last time, the King spoke up,

"I do not want you to meet Danbi ever again, is that understood?"

"Yes, father." His head sank.

"And Danbi," the old man's eyes pierced through her "the same goes for you. Do not enter this palace ever again to meet my son."

"Yes, my king." She felt as if she couldn't breathe.

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