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They were eighteen and sixteen. Time had passed, a time, in which they were forced to grow up. Danbi visited a regular school, studying to visit the university afterwards. She was ambitious with her studies, yet lazy in other aspects of life.

The girl never heard from the boy nor saw him ever again. She occasionally thought about him, though. Little did she know, he did too.

As she grew older, she came to realise what an important man her father was behind the scenes of the monarchy. Because of that, he was disapproving of her disinterest in the Royals. She didn't even care to be updated by the news or media. The time came when Danbi's father was invited over to one of the summer residences of the main Royal Family to have dinner.

Her mother told her to wear her best clothes, which meant; she was urged to wear a long dress. She disliked dresses. Where would she put her phone when there were no pockets? Danbi realised that this problem was ridiculous right afterwards. Why did she need to dress up anyway? She comprehended that they were the head of their nation, but like that?

Looking at the mirror she even started to like the dress she was wearing. It was emphasising her waist and hid her hips perfectly. It didn't seem too hot for the burning summer day as well. The only thing that bothered her was the big earrings she had been given by her mother. In secret, Danbi exchanged them to wear her usual little pearl earrings. Now it was perfect.

The family got into a black car. The car door was held open by a security guard who was greeted warmly by her father. Danbi gave him a forced smile as he closed the door behind her.

As they came closer to the castle, the girl couldn't help but admire the wide lands that belonged to the residence. Some of it contained farming lands, others consisted of forests and meadows. Growing up in the capital, she wasn't used to such scenery. The sun was shining on the pompous facade of the white castle. It was hard to believe that this castle was one of the smallest in the country.

"Come on, Danbi." Her mother, who had already taken a few steps up, called the dreaming girl.

As she hurried up the stairs with big steps, her mother spoke,

"Slow down, will you? Behave like a lady, we are meeting our King and Queen!" The girl didn't approve of her remark and merely rolled her eyes.

Inside, another guard greeted them. Danbi couldn't help but stare at all the old portraits on the wall, the golden furniture and the expensive decoration. Just this one chamber was probably worth more than their whole house. She felt so little. If it hadn't been for her mother calling her again, the girl would have stood there for hours with an open mouth.

The guard bowed to the three as they arrived at a huge door, not any less embellished with gold than the other things in this castle. Afterwards, the door was opened for them.

The family of three entered the hall which looked like a gigantic posh lounge. Everyone in the room got up to face their visitors. Danbi realised it to be the King and the Queen accompanied by their guards. But where was their son, the Prince? Next to her, her parents already dropped a curtsy, so she quickly assimilated.

"Mr Kang" the King started "I am pleased to see that you were able to accept my invitation."

"The pleasure is all mine, your majesty."

"Seems like my son has decided to run late once again, I apologise on his behalf." The Queen sighed.

At that moment, the door flew open and a young man hurried inside, alone. Before he faced the visitors, he cleared his throat and fixed his suit and his posture. However, because of his big entrance, everyone was already watching him do so. The Prince then took his place next to his parents and tried to smile as a greeting.

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