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The two had started to text regularly, at first with no hard feelings involved. However, soon Danbi couldn't deny the fact that all she looked forward to in the morning was a good morning text from the Prince. And every time her name lit up his screen, the male's heart skipped a beat. What he cherished most about the female was that she treated him like any normal human being, he didn't have to play the role of the throne's successor when he was with her. Youngjo could solely be himself.

Soon, they decided to meet up again. Youngjo had suggested going to the cinema to watch a freshly-out film they were both interested in.

Danbi was staying in front of the film theatre, waiting for her date to arrive. She had put on her favourite shirt with comfortable yet stylish black pants. As she looked on her phone to see whether Youngjo maybe had texted her, someone tightly hugged her from behind. Taking a moment to process the sudden gesture, she turned around.

The female was barely able to recognise the masked man. He was wearing a cap and a mask that was almost covering his entire face. Danbi only realised it to be her Prince by his striking brown eyes. She smiled. So did he, at least it looked like he was behind his disguise. Youngjo then held up two tickets for the film they wanted to watch.

"Let's get going."

Inside, they bought popcorn and drinks and were finally the first ones in the hall. The Prince unwrapped himself and sighed in relief as he chewed on popcorn. The male tried to show off by throwing popcorn into his mouth but missed multiple times. His only intent was to make Danbi laugh and it had worked perfectly. Soon, she was the one to aim for his mouth with popcorn and was way more efficient than the male had been.

After the film was over, they made their way out of the cinema. On their way outside, people gawked at the couple as they were both giggling, talking about the film they had just watched. Were they being too loud? Looking over at her date again, Danbi realised he hadn't put on his disguise after leaving the cinema hall.

"Youngjo, your-"

"I know, It's fine." he cut her off with a low voice "let's just hurry and get to the car."

The Prince put his arm around her waist and firmly pulled her closer. He tried to not look at the people in the building so that they possibly wouldn't recognise his face and take photos or videos. It had been extremely foolish of him to think that they could just walk out of the cinema as if there was nobody there, but he didn't tell Danbi. She shouldn't worry about things like this.

Entering the parking facility, they got to the second floor. Youngjo pressed a button on his car keys and a black Mercedes was unlocked. Stuff like this didn't impress Danbi, mainly because she didn't know much about cars. However, the woman wasn't quite able to hide that she was impressed by the matte black vehicle.

"You can drive?" Danbi raised a question.

"Why not?" he gasped and acted offended "Of course, I can. Now, get it."

So she did. Youngjo safely got them out of the bright city, so they were driving on the country roads now. The female enjoyed the city at night, the colourful lights reflecting on the streets, and people going out but the countryside was more familiar to her. The silence that comforted her so much, the clear sky and clean air that made it possible to count the stars in the sky; that's what gave her comfort.

Youngjo suddenly stopped the car in the middle of nowhere and got out, so Danbi did the same. Wordlessly, he held out his hand for her with a smile. Her heart was beating fast as she took his warm hand immediately without thinking twice. Hand in hand, the two walked to a bench that was placed on a little hill. Sitting down on it, they had a perfect view of both the city's skyline and the stars above the woods.

"Wow," she exclaimed with big eyes "it's beautiful."

"I always come here to catch a break from... everything. My grandfather showed it to me when I was little."

She just slightly nodded, not being able to respond. Youngjo watched the fascinated girl, still with a satisfied grin on his face. The stars were reflected in her shiny eyes as she scanned the flawless view. Before he knew it, he got lost in the sight of the female. His head was empty, there was just her. Just her and nobody or anything else.

"Thank you for taking me here. It means a lot to me."

Their eyes met. A smile embellished her smile as she saw the way he was looking at her just now. An emotion was displayed in his gaze, she didn't even dare to think of it, but she believed it to be... love. Their faces were so close, yet they both hesitated to take the next step.

Just as she was about to distract from the awkward silence just now by looking back into the distance, Youngjo gently grabbed her chin, turning her head back to him and connecting their lips. The tension took its high and the finally dropped after his heart decided for him. At his lips' touch, she blossomed like a flower. The Prince's lips were in contrast to the cold night breeze, so it felt like his kiss was heating up her entire body with just one touch. Her hand wandered to the back of his head.

Both of the pair closed their eyes as they enjoyed each other's sensuality. Youngjo wasn't able to think clearly anymore. And he was aware, that Danbi got him all messed up. With her, the Prince felt at home. Was she feeling the same? She had to, looking at Danbi's blushed face and up-curled lips after they had separated again, she did. She was the one, he could tell. It had been her, it was her and it will always be her.

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