23. Battle Of New York

Start from the beginning

"Nat?" Clint called out as he glanced out of the window while he continued to fly the Quinjet.

"I see him," Natasha spoke in agreement as she got ready to fire at the man in the green cape who was fighting with Thor below them, just as Loki spots the jet and blasts them with the sceptre. "Damn it," she muttered as the Quinjet rocks and it's set ablaze.

Inside the quinjet, the three of them, including Steve, in the back were suddenly were holding onto their lives for dear life as the Quinjet grazed through the streets while it hit different buildings in the process before it crashed down onto the street below. 

Quick to remove their headsets and seatbelts, the ramp opens and the three of them head out onto the streets.

"We got to get back up there," Steve exclaimed as he ran through the streets of New York, while Natasha and Clint were quick to follow him.

Looking up at the sky, all three of them were shocked to find a luminous blue portal had opened where there was an army of Chituari coming toward them.

"Well, this could get interesting," Natasha muttered aloud as the Leviathan came crashing through that looked honestly terrifying as it crashed through the street, more of the warriors jumped off and crashed through into the buildings.

None of them could quite believe their eyes at what they were seeing right now was real.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve questioned through comms as he glanced up at the sky.

"Seeing. Still working on believing," Tony's voice spoke through comms in disbelief. "Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" he questioned.

"Banner?" Steve questioned.

"Just keep me posted," Tony told them through comms.

Hunter threw the controller down in defeat, "Alright, I give up. You're definitely cheating squirt!" he accused the child.

"I am not!" Amelia denied the accusation and couldn't help but giggle at the older man's annoyance.

"You totally are!" Hunter exclaimed and shook his head. "You have won every single game!" He told her.

Amelia smiled smugly at the man, "I can't help that I am good at playing video games," she said.

Hunter grumbled and shook his head once more, "Yeah, of course, you are," he scoffed.

Amelia turned to look at the blonde woman, "Bobbi, will you play a game with me? Hunter's sulking because he's a sore loser," she stated cheekily.

"I am not sulking, you little ankle-biter," Hunter muttered as picked up a bottle of water and took a long sip.

Bobbi couldn't help but laugh and picked up the controller, "Alright but no promises that you will win against me though," she teased.

"Yeah, I don't know about that, Bobbi. The kid might only be 9 but she is seriously good at this game," Hunter told his partner.

Amelia nodded in agreement, "You should see me with a real gun!" she grinned at the couple.

Both of their heads' shot in the child's direction and looked taken back, "What? When did this happen?" The blonde asked shocked.

"When I was with my Grandpa Nick," Amelia shrugged her shoulders loosely, not realising what was so wrong about that. Why did all of the adults seem so shocked at the news?

Hunter blinked back the disbelief, "Well, that does explain a lot," he muttered and shook his head.

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