8. Never Trust Fury To Babysit

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"Do I have to stay with Pirate Fury and Maria today?" Amelia questioned unhappily as she sat at the kitchen counter with a pop tart in front of her.

Natasha's predictions were correct.

It didn't take Tony Stark long to get in touch, so today Natasha was flying to Paris to meet them for the Grand Prix but unfortunately for Amelia, she wasn't too happy because she wasn't allowed to come along for this and instead she had to stay with Fury and Maria much to her dismay.

"I'm afraid so, I can't take you with me today, so you have to stay with them and you will also meet some of the other agents as well possibly," Natasha told her as she leaned against the counter and drank her coffee. "And you will have to stay with them for the night as well," she added quickly awaiting the look on the child's face.

Amelia pouted and continued to look unhappy. "Why not? I have already met Mr Stark now so why do I stay with them? I don't want to stay there overnight either," she asked.

"It's not as simple as that Amelia," Natasha said as she let out a sigh.

"Why isn't it?" Amelia challenged the redhead.

Natasha raised her eyebrow at the eight-year-olds sudden attitude. "Eat your pop tart before it gets cold," she told her.

"I don't want to!" Amelia exclaimed as she raised her voice.

"Don't raise your voice at me, Amelia," Natasha told her with a calm voice, despite how unimpressed she was. "Now eat your pop tart," she repeated.

Amelia shook her head and pushed her pop tart away from her. "M' not hungry anymore," she muttered annoyed.

"I bet that you are," Natasha said as she pushed the plate back towards her.

"No, I'm not!" Amelia said as she pushed the plate away from her again.

"Amelia," Natasha warned the eight-year-old.

"I don't get why I can't come," Amelia said as she pouted and crossed her arms upset.

"Because I said so," Natasha stated as she left no room for argument.

"It's not fair," Amelia mumbled annoyed.

"Life isn't always fair but you still need to eat never less," Natasha told her as she pushed the pop tart back again despite the eight-year-old protesting that she wasn't hungry.

"Pirate Fury!" Amelia exclaimed as she ran through the base and spotted the familiar man standing with another agent that she didn't recognise.

Natasha noted the eight-year-olds attitude had definitely changed from earlier when they had a conversation while eating breakfast earlier.

Fury turned around and smiled at the eight-year-old who ran towards him. "Hi, Ellie. You know I thought that I could hear you from all the way down the corridor," He chuckled lightly.

"That's because I have a loud voice," Amelia stated with a grin.

"Oh yes, I can believe that!" Fury said in agreement and turned to look at Natasha. "Prepared for another day of the mission, Agent Romanoff?" He questioned.

"I always am," Natasha remarked as she handed Amelia's backpack over to Fury who looked bewildered.

"What's this for?" Fury asked confused as he accepted the item.

"Amelia's backpack because she is spending the night here," Natasha told him while she stifled a laugh. "Are you sure you know what you're doing, Fury?" she asked wearily.

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