17. Clingy

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"Alright детка, you're going to need to walk now," Natasha said softly as she started to walk inside the Hellicarrier while Amelia remained in her arms with a tight grasp on the older redheaded. She was very reluctant to let go yet. "Down you go," she said.

"No, mama! I don't want to walk," Amelia said as she pouted and clung onto the woman even tighter than possible. "I want to stay with you," she added.

"You can stay with me but I can't carry you, so you have to walk," Natasha told her firmly before she lowered her daughter to the floor as they walked inside.

"Mama, no!" Amelia whined and held her arms up to be lifted up. All she wanted was to be close to her mama.

Natasha narrowed her eyebrow in confusion at her daughter's sudden clinginess, "I'm not going to pick you up, Millie so you can either walk or you can stand here and sulk," she told her firmly.

"Mama!" Amelia continued to stomp her feet and whine in protest. "I thought that you loved me, mama," she said upset.

"Don't whine Millie," Natasha told the child, she wasn't sure what brought on this sudden tantrum at all. "I do love you, детка but you should also know that throwing a tantrum doesn't get you your own way, you know that," she told her sternly.

"Mama!" Amelia whined out loud as she continued to hold her arms crossed.

"Amelia," Natasha warned sternly.

Both Captain Rogers and Bruce Banner walked ahead of them, oblivious of the tantrum that the 9-year-old was currently throwing.

Natasha glanced in the direction of the two men. "Excuse me, Gentleman. We'll catch up with you both," she told them before she took a gentle hold of Amelia's hand and guided her into a quiet small room to the side. "Sit down," she told her firmly, pointing towards the chair.

Amelia pouted but listened as she moved to sit on the chair. Natasha stood in front of her daughter with her arms crossed and a stern facial expression on her face.

"What is with the sudden behaviour, Amelia? I know that you know better than that," Natasha questioned her daughter. "You know to behave," she added.

"I just wanted you to hold me, mama," Amelia admitted, looking down at the floor with sudden interest.

Natasha sighed and moved forward, gently tilting the 9-year-olds' head upwards, "And I can still do that but you know that when you whine, you don't get your own way, маленький," she told her.

"But mama--" Amelia began to whine.

Natasha shook her head in disagreement, "You know what happens when you have an outburst, don't you?" she questioned.

"Yeah," Amelia ducked her head slightly to avoid the older woman's stern expression. "I get into trouble," she mumbled to herself.

"Yes you do, and you remember what happens when you get into trouble?" Natasha continued to question.

Amelia pouted and nodded her head, "You make me sit in a time-out but mama, that isn't fun at all! Neither are the other punishments," she complained.

Natasha couldn't help but chuckle slightly, "They're not meant to be fun, детка. They are there to teach you a lesson, remember?" she asked.

"Yeah I guess so," Amelia agreed reluctantly.

"So, are you going to behave? Or do you want to go sit in a time-out?" Natasha questioned.

Amelia shook her head in disagreement, "I'll behave, mama," she told her.

"Good girl," Natasha said as she smiled and held out her hand. "Come on, let's go find Grandpa Nick and everyone else. I can't wait to find out what you've been up to whilst I have been gone," she said as she walked through to the commander's deck.

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