Scorpios & Verreas: Part 4

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It was later that evening after Nailah had departed from the Hall of Kings that she ordered a horse be made ready for her. "Why would my Queen need a horse at this hour of the night?" a servant of the stables had asked, to which she answered, "It matters not to where I am headed. All that I require of you, dear servant, is that not a word of this be spoken of to anyone. I was not here at this hour and you did not see anyone enter the stables."

"Yes, Patryssa. It will be as she commands."

"It will be as I command it, indeed. And remember, young girl, should I return and discover that my whereabouts were discussed, I will know who to put to question down below in the iron cellars." The young servant bowed her head shakingly and did what was asked of her.

The mount that was chosen for the empress was one of a black coat so as to not be noticed in the shade of night. Nailah wore a gown of fine black fabrics, but had herself covered with a raggy fleece coat with a hood that covered her entire head. Across her face she had a silky scarf which covered her nose and mouth, leaving only her eyes to be shown. "The black steed, my Patryssa, is a better option for your travels in the night. No one will notice you should you keep out of the inner city and beside the river. Food and water have been packed in the pouch as well in case my lady develops a thirst or hunger."

"I owe you a gratitude, young girl."

"It is me who owes you a gratitude for being able to serve the Patryssa of Sands. I wish you safe travels, my Queen."

"I thank you," she said, pulling the horse's direction away from the stables and riding out beyond the rows of pillars and the walls of gods carved into them. Nailah did as the servant girl had told her — to keep on the edge of the river, but not too close as there were creatures with the taste for flesh and a thirst for blood which lurked along the banks and in the dark waters that reflected the crescent-shaped moon. The stillness of the night and desert terrain was a beauty to her. How proud one was to have ruled a kingdom such as this with a landscape so precious. Along the muddy banks of the river, the sounds of the light breeze conducting their tunes over the water's surface and through the thick growth of grass and sticks. The songs of dragonflies and crickets filled the air, the dashing lights of the blinking fireflies as they gathered together for their evening dance painted a glorious picture midair. Praise be to the gods for this show of marvel! she thought.

The path was clear now, it would not be too long until she had arrived at the bath houses of Ayi'lon. As the empress moved along the path, she noticed the group of men approaching her with cloaks as dark as the night, but surprisingly more well-kept than hers. "What might you be doing out in the cloak of night at this hour, young lady?" The one man had asked, his face, although mostly hidden behind the hood, still looked more hideous than a mud toad one would find along the banks of the rivers and ponds.

"That is none of your concern. Be gone and let me pass," Nailah replied.

After a moment had passed, the group of four men began to guffaw greatly. Then a second man, much larger than the first, pulled out a curved dagger so clean, it shone as brightly as the moon and he said: "The whore has a bite in her. Come down from the beast so that we may mount you and ride you until you bare our bastards."

Had these mongrels known to whom they speak, they would not dare to so much as show their faces. Though Nailah had attempted to reveal her identity to the hooded men in hopes to have her status serve as a protection for her, she remembered the words of the Ayi'lon. Men would sooner take what a woman has, regardless of their standing or status, even if that means to steal from the queen, than to return home without something to use as a toy for gambling or for their own riches and glory. And so she rather avoided any talk to draw attention to her status.

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