11 - Halloween

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When Halloween came, Percy as usual sat at the Gryffindor table with his cousin and the twins past him a note in secrete which he would open when he was alone, no doubt giving him details about where to next meet. And Percy walked with his cousin and his cousin's best freind to Charms where the professor believed they were ready to make things fly.

After giving everyone their instructions, the professor, knowing Percy could already do it, let him read his book and he watched as Harry and Ron failed to do it but Hermione told them what they were doing wrong, and Ron being arrogant snapped at her and she did it flawlessly. 

Professor Flitwick congradulated Hermione and by the end of class Ron was in a sour mood and started insulting her, someone pushed passed Harry and Percy saw that it was a crying Hermione.

"You better appologise Harry and you Ronald." Percy said and looked at Harry dissapointedly and went after Hermione.

Hermione ran into the girls toliets and Percy stood outside and knocked on the door. "Hermione? What they said isn't true."

"Leave me alone." She cried.

"Please Hermione.  Ronald was wrong. You do have friends. You got me and Neville and you probably have more you just don't know it. Please come out Hermione."

"Go to lesson Percy." She hiccuped.

"Okay. But if I don't see you at lunch, I'll bring you some." He promised before leaving.

Hermione didn't show up to any of her classes or to the feast so as promised he grabbed a plate full and headed back to the girls toilets. 

"Hermione, I brought food." Percy said knocking on the door.

"You can come in." She sniffled and it was clear she was still crying.

"Uhhg." Was Percy's genious response.

"It's only me in here. It's okay." Hermione reasured and Percy looked over his shoulder and walked into the girls toilets.

"Woah. It's clean in here." Was the first thing he said as he sat against the back wall with Hermione.

She chuckled and Percy gave her the plate of food.

"You didn't have to do this. And you don't have to pretend to be my friend." She said not lookiing at him.

"Who said I was pretending? I mean it. I'm your friend Hermione. Yes I'm a Slytherin and your a Gryffindor, but why does that mean you can't be my friend?"

Hermione smiled and hugged him and Percy hugged back. 

"Do you want to get out of here. As nice as it is compared to the boys, it's making me nervous in here, you know me being a boy and all."

Hermione chuckled and the two went to leave however the doorway was blocked by a troll. The troll saw them and burst through the door. Hermione screamed and hid in a stall and so did Percy as he patted down every pocket looking for riptide. 

The troll swung his club and the wooden walls of the stall got obliterated into splinters. Giving up on finding his sword, Percy took out his wand and started firing jinxes at the beast.

"Rictumsempra! Flipendo! Mobilicorpus!" He yelled and Hermione hid under the sinks and Percy was doing his best to keep the attention of her. 

The spells hit him, but they didn't work and so he tried a few more. "Petrificus Totalus! Locomotor Mortis! Reducio!" These spells also didn't work and now Percy was running out of ideas.

Then Harry and Ron came in and Percy told them to distract it as he tried other spells, ones that he had never done before but had read about, "Incendio!" Fire shot out of his wand and hit the troll making it stumble and Harry and Ron threw things at it.

He tried another "Reducto!" And again the troll stumbled and it looked dissy.

"Levicorpus!" The troll was hanging upside down by it's feet and dropped his club. 

Ron pointed his wand at it and shouted "Wingardium Leviosa!" The club levitated slightly and hit the troll on hits head knocking it out.

The four cheared at thier successs, but that quickly went away when they saw the group of teachers.

Snape bent over the troll that was now on the ground and inspected the damage. "Whose spell work is this?" He asked even though he already knew.

"Mine sir." Percy mumbled.

Snape nodded and stood next to McGonagall who spoke. "What on Earth were you thinking! You are lucky to be alive."

"Something happened ealier and it upset me professor." Hermione started. "Percy came to see if I was okay. We didn't know about the troll and I suppose on their way past Harry and Ron remebered I wasn't at the feast and so they stopped to warn me, but the troll was already here."

"Percy was firing spell after spell, using ones that we don't learn until the fith year and when he got the troll onto the air, Ron used the levitating spell that Professor Flitwick had just taught us and knocked the troll out with it's club and Harry kept desracting it, giving Percy more time to think of spells."

"In that case, you boys will get 5 points each for bravery and sharing dumb luck." McGonagall said before telling them to go the their common room while they dispose of the troll.

"Mr Jackson. You are to be in my office at 7 o'clock in the morning." Snape growled.

"Yes sir." Percy said before walking out and he split of from his cousin and his friends and headed towards the dungeon to the common room.

"Oi. Where do you think you were?" Malfoy demanded as he walked through the opening in the wall.

"Getting more house points." Percy said walking past to the dormitories, not bothering to look at him.

"Oi. Don't turn your back to me. I'm talking to you." Malfoy snarled trying to forcefully turn Percy around by the hand he placed on his shoulder.

Percy slapped the hand away. "Look Malfoy. I don't care about your bloodstatus, or who your father is, or how good you are at stuff, or how good your grades are. I really couldn't care less about that stuff."

Malfoy looked surprised that someone had the nerve to speak to him like that.

"I have just gotten back from fighting with the troll, mostly on my own, using spells that I had only ever read about because we aren't taught them until fith year. So I am going to get a shower then go to bed as I need to recharge my magical core."

"You fought the troll and survived?" Someone asked.

"Just ask a gryffindor in the morning." Percy grumbled and headed up the stairs.

A/N So, I had MMA traing today, I haven't gone in about 2 or 3 weeks and damn it's only been three hours and I can feel my legs burning. But I got good news, I haven't crashed my bike in a while, even though down here in Britain we have had torential rain which has led to a lot of flooding.

My dog destroyed the last toy he had and there was white stuffing all over the landing which was not helpful. My step dad has also sold the house and we are just waiting on all the paper work to be looked over by the solicitor so we can move into a new one.

I have recently only just caught up with all my college homework and it's terrible. I have also had a few mock tests. Ancient history is going great I got 8/10. However in Medical Science I got an E grade and for those who don't use British grading system I will tell you the order of grade from best to worst. 

A*, A, B, C, D, E, F, U

1 Person got an A two got a C, 7 got E's and 6 got U's. Anything after a D you have failed your A level. 

But on a positive note, everything else seems to be going okay and you guys now have a new chapter of me so, have fun, enjoy and be safe out there folks!

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