6 - Potions

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On Friday morning, Percy decided to sit at the Gryffindor table. He had noticed that throughout the week that some of the older years would sit at different tables, so he assumed that it was allowed. So for breakfast he sat with Harry and Ron.

"Hey guys." Percy greeted them, sitting down.

"Hey Perce. What are you doing?" Harry asked confused.

"Having breakfast with my cousin and his friend, who has two genius twin brothers." Percy said with a smirk.

"No. No, Percy don't you dare." Harry said almost choking on his porridge. He knew Percy loved pranks, his last week with the Dursleys proved that. They were not happy in the slightest.

"Oh come on, Hazza. It will be fun. Just think of all the ideas I can get to prank the Dursleys, particularly Dudley." Percy said trying to get Harry to agree.

Harry sighed. "Fine, but if you get expelled its your own fault that you'll have to spend all your time with the Dursleys."

"You are the best cousin. Now Ronald, do you think you can give this to your amazing twin brothers?" Percy asked handing Ron a piece of parchment. "Incase you haven't noticed from the past several breakfasts, owls don't exactly like me."

"What do we have first?" Harry asked Ron as Percy helped himself to some food.

"Double potions with the Slytherins" He said pouring sugar into his porridge. "Snape is head of Slytherin. They say that he favours them - we'll be able to see if that is true." 

"Oh come on. He's a teacher. Why would he favour us?" Percy asked Ron, eggs coming out of his mouth.

"Wish McGonagall favoured us." Harry said, just as the post arrived and Percy dived under the table, and even there, the owls still tried to get him.

"You can come out now Perce." Harry laughed.

"It's not funny, Harry." He grumbled getting up. On his plate were two letters.

He opened the first one that was in Greek.

Hope you are enjoying school. I know the head teacher there and I will know that if you get into trouble, or if you are in danger. The head teacher knows that you are a demi-god, and so do some of the teachers but don't go saying it. Our existence is still a secret to most witches and wizards, for the time being. 
Have fun and keep in contact.
P.S Nico is doing fine and helping make cabins for the minor Gods." 

Percy smiled at the letter. He was glad his cousin was doing well and spending time at camp. He opened the second letter and struggled to read it but managed.

"Dear Percy.
I heard about your mother. I truly am sorry. But I am glad you have people there for you and that you have started Hogwarts. Even though I am confused on the details of that, but I am sure you will tell me in time. I would offer you to stay with me during the holidays, but you know that would be unwise, given my condition. Keep me updated on how your studies are going.
Your Uncle Moony."

Percy smiled. He hadn't heard from his Godfather in months, but on his second day at Hogwarts, he sent a letter to him explaining, that his mother died in the war, and that he is now at Hogwarts and was placed in Slytherin.

"Who's Moony?" Harry asked looking over the letter.

"My Godfather. He was like a little brother to my mom. During the holidays he would come up to America to see us. He didn't know that my mom had died or that I had started Hogwarts, so I sent him a letter on our second day." Percy told him.

"Did, did he know my parents then?" Harry asked slowly.

"Yeah. But he never really talked about them. Nor did my mom actually. But I guessed that was how they coped with it." Percy said with a shrug.

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