Final Preparations

Start from the beginning

Ryuko: What?

Satsuki: Dud you put everything you've had in that punch? Because it didn't feel like it.

Ryuko: Yeah! Of course I did!

Y/N: 😏 If that's the case, then why are they still standing?

Ryuko: Huh?

Y/N: One punch is all it takes for you to kill someone. And yet, Gamagoori and Sanageyana are still standing.

Ryuko: I pulled my punches because those two bozos got in my way.

Y/N: That doesnt matter. It doesn't matter who gets in your way.

Gamagoori: L/N is right, Matoi! Such lack of commitment proces that you are not worthy to punch Lady Satauki.

Ryuko: Screw you! I'm committed!

Y/N: Sure you are.

Ryuko: 😡 Just whose side are you on, dammit?!

Jakuzure and Inunuta then joined in to shield Satsuki.

Jakuzure: You wanna punch her? Punch us first! You wanna Chop her limbs off, chop ours off first! Whatever you plan to dish out on lady Satsuki, we will take it for her!

Ryuko: (annoyed) God, what's your problem? You guys are all freaking nuts!

Suddenly, it all hit Ryuko like a freight train.

Ryuko: You got batshit crazy people protecting you, just like I do.

Y/N: It's about time you've got it figured out.

Ryuketsu: I don't know if I should be flattered or insulted from that.

Satsuki: It seems that way, doesn't it? I had to defeat Ragyo, and I thought the only way I could was if I used others as my pawns. So naturally, I thought I could use you and Y/N both in the same manner.

Satsuki then approached the two.

Satsuki: Since the day you both appeared in your respective Kamui, my goal was to train at least on of you, if not both, as my assets, to turn against Ragyo and her allies. I told you I killed our father because I wanted to gauge your and Senketsu's power.

Y/N: And I take it that you wanted to do the same with me as well.

Satsuki: (nods) Yes. If I could hold onto your free wills without being swallowed by both of your Kamui, you two could prove useful when it came time for the coup. (Looks to Ryuko) And I thought if I kept the truth from you, I could control you better as a weapon against Ragyo.

Ryuko: Thanks bitch!

Y/N: Cut her some slack, Shadow the Hedgehog. In a sense, she did this for a noble cause.

Ryuko retorts by punching Y/N square in the gut, making Y/N groan in pain.

Ryuko: Use that nickname again, (F/N) (L/N), and I'll the next place my fist will hit is your damn groin!

Y/N: (groans) Duly noted.

Satsuki: Treating you like a fool was a mistake on my part. In the end, I was using the same methods as Ragyo. I should have known I could never win that way. If anyone here is a fool, it's me.

Ryuketsu: Never thought I'd hear something like that come from Satauki's mouth.

Satsuki looked down, avoiding Ryuko's gaze.

Satsuki: I understand now. People are cut from the same cloth. And no matter how odd we seem, their differences make this world beautiful. (Lools back to Ryuko) Our world is worth protecting. And I'd be honored to share the task with you. (Looks to Y/N) With both of you.

The Devil went down to Honnouji Academy: OP! M!Reader x Kill La KillWhere stories live. Discover now