Going After The Others

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"Oh come on. Where'd they go?" Alexis asks as she is sniffing sound the street after having lost the van.

"Need help?" A voice asks revealing to be the blue masked turtle, the purple masked turtle and a red masked turtle causing Alexis to snarl.

"Keep back!" Alexis says as she growls.

"Whoa. Easy miss. We don't mean any harm." The purple masked turtle says.

"My brother is right. We don't mean to harm you." The blue masked turtle says as he puts his hands up in defence.

"If so then get away from me." Alexis says angrily as she growls.

"Not happening. What are you exactly?" The red masked turtle asks.

"I'm a wolf shifter. Adopted sister and daughter of the girl and father that was kidnapped. I lost my family when I was young." Alexis says as she pins her ears back sadly.

"Wait. You're adopted?" The blue masked turtle asks.

"Yeah. You didn't hear me earlier?" Alexis asks.

"There was a lot going on earlier." The blue masked turtle says.

"I could see that." Alexis says annoyedly.

"I'm sorry." The blue masked turtle says as he gives a sympathetic look.

"Don't be. Wasn't there four of you?" Alexis asks as she only sees three turtles.

"Well looks like Mikey done got lost. Lovely." The red masked turtle says as he looks around.

"Why are you following me? And who are you anyway?" Alexis asks angrily.

"Well miss I am Leonardo. These our my brothers Donatello and Rapheal. The one you saw with us earlier is our brother Michealangelo." The blue masked turtle says kindly.

"We just wanna help you miss. Let us help." Donatello says.

"Forget it. I saw what your help did and it didn't do anything. You guys attacking each other more than anything." Alexis says angrily.

"Yeah. Not one of our better moments." Leonardo says embarrassedly.

"Trust me we are usually in better form than that." Donatello says.

"Whoever those guys were just caught us off guard is all." Raphael says.

"I'll take your word for it. See you." Alexis says as she begins to leave.

"Hey wait! We can't let you go after them alone." Leonardo says as Alexis stops and looks at him.

"And why not?" Alexis asks annoyedly.

"Well for one we don't even know your name." Leonardo says as he smiles at Alexis.

"Oh brother." Raphael says.

"But that's also gonna be really dangerous for you." Donatello says.

"My name is Alexis. The girl was my sister April and our father Kirby. As for me being in danger I'm far more dangerous then I look." Alexis says as she begins to walk off.

"Sorry. But we can't let you go. It wouldn't be right." Leonardo says as he steps in front of Alexis.

"I suggest you move out of my way." Alexis says sternly.

"Not happening. I don't wanna see an innocent person hurt." Leonardo says.

"Have it your way then." Alexis says as she growls.

"Hey!" Leonardo shouts in alarm as Alexis begins lunging and biting at him.

"Leo!" Donatello shouts.

"Stay out of it. I got it under control!" Leonardo says before Alexis jumps him and takes his swords before knocking him back onto his back as she then uses her front paws and weight to keep him pinned while holding one of his swords.

"Still think I can't handle myself?" Alexis asks as she points one of the swords at Leonardo.

"No. Point taken." Leonardo says before Alexis drops his sword and backs up.

"Got a lot more spanking than I thought you did. I'm impressed." Raphael says as he smiles before helping Leonardo up.

"Certainly made your point." Donatello says.

"I told you I can handle myself. Now leave me alone. I'm finding my family if it kills me. I can't lose another one." Alexis says determinedly.

"At least let us go with you." Donatello says.

"No. Now go home." Alexis says as she and the others hear shouting.

"Guys! Guys!" A voice shouts revealing to be the turtle in the orange mask.

"Is your brother always this excitable?" Alexis asks as she looks at Leonardo says.

"Unfortunately." Donatello says.

"You guys are friend swith that wolf creature now?" Michealangelo asks.

"I'm a wolf shifter thank you and no I'd hardly say I'm friends with your eh... brothers." Alexis says.

"You're never gonna believe this! That dude he... he... had a brain!" Michealangelo shouts in alarm.

"We all have brains Mikey." Leonardo says.

"Not all of us." Donatello says.

"In our chests?" Michealangelo asks as he gestures to his chest.

"No Mikey. Not in our chests." Leonardo says annoyedly.

"You're not listening to me! Did you just slap me?" Michealangelo asks annoyedly as Leonardo slaps him.

"I was calming you down." Leonardo says.

"Why would that calm me down?" Michealangelo shouts.

"I think he's delusional." Donatello says.

"Just... just come here." Michealangelo says as he gestures for the group to follow before Alexis sneaks off.

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