"You're worried about her?" Veronica threw her head back as she cackled. "(Y/N) couldn't beat me at anything if she tried. That includes looks, fights and Eddie."  

I'm not sure why, but her words made my hands wrap into fists as I glared off into the bushes that stood beside the house. I hate other women who try to slither their way into other's relationships like both her and Marley. Marley wasn't as bad a person anymore after (Y/N) humbled her with that fight, but still, they're both terrible people. 

"Do you not remember the way Marley looked after that fight?" I asked Veronica as if she were stupid and, quite frankly, she is. 

"That's Marley." Veronica kept that disgusting smirk on her face that I wanted to smack off. "Here comes my chance." She rubbed her hands together as she watched Eddie leave a kiss on (Y/N)'s head and walk into the house. As soon as Eddie was gone, (Y/N) turned into a totally different person; she was blank once again. It was as if Eddie was her lifeline - the only way she kept sane and glued to the ground instead of drifting off with the wind. It was a beautiful thing seeing a relationship like that. They bring out the best in each other even in hard times. 

"Hey, is everything alright, babe?" Gareth came up behind me and rested his hand on my lower back as he gave me a worried look.

"Yeah!" I almost cringed from the overexcitement that I forced out. "Yeah, um, I think Veronica wanted to talk to you, actually." 

"Oh, really? Where did she go?" Gareth looked around in confusion as I kept the fake smile plastered onto my face. 

"She went inside." I gave him a slight shove, forcing him to hurry inside. I let out a sigh as Gareth chased after Veronica, giving me enough time to warn (Y/N). I took a deep breath in before making my way over to her. Here goes nothing.

(Y/N)'s POV

"(Y/N)?" I turned around to the unfamiliar voice and my eyes slightly widened as I noticed Jessica standing right behind me. "Hey, sorry to intrude, but could I possibly talk to you for a second?"

"Um, sure." My eyebrows furrowed as my heart quickened. All of that anxiety from earlier was rushing back inside of me, making me feel hot even though it's cold outside. "What's going on?"

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm not like Marley or Veronica. I don't have anything to do with their humiliating antics and I would never do anything like that to anyone." That was a terrible beginning to whatever she was about to tell me. It only made me more anxious as I waited. "I don't know what Veronica has planned, but she's about to do something stupid, so I thought I would warn you before it happens."

"What do you mean she has something planned?" I unfolded my arms and straightened my back in response to Jessica's words. 

"I'm not totally sure what it is, but Veronica told me she was going to take advantage of the moment when Eddie went off into the house just now. I think you should-" I never let Jessica finish as I stomped inside of the house as fast as I could without grabbing the attention of anyone else. 

I kept quiet as I looked inside of every room, looking for the dumb blonde that was about to get her shit rocked. I wasn't playing games and I don't think I've ever been more angry in my life than at this moment; that's including anything between my father, mother, Brenner, and Marley. How could I not be this angry after learning that she put her hands on Eddie while he was intoxicated and he said no? She can go rot in Hell for all I care. 

I flexed my aching fingers, giving them a break from their previous curled position. As I made my way to the backyard, I rolled my neck and grabbed the baseball bat that leaned against the house and wrapped my hand tightly around the handle as I marched over to the unexpecting blonde. 

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