"We've suspected that she's been up to no good for a while now. Back when I filmed Comfortable, a blog that we now know belongs to her leaked that I'd be debuting a new, blonde look in the video. Back when we landed in LA, another anonymous blog that we now know is hers as well leaked our private flight info. She hacked into JK's schedule so she could be alone with him the day of the incident. Her shrine is still up on her main website and unfortunately I can't share go much deeper because she's being investigated for multiple things right now. Anyways, I'm sure everyone's seen the video by now. Sometime during the altercation, I grabbed the knife and held on tight enough to completely sever the nerves and tendons in my palm. They suspect I may have just hit the mirror with my right hand. There were a few cuts and bruises there. Long story short as far as the hospital stay is that I was allergic to the anesthesia they used and it caused my heart rate to drop during surgery. I was unconscious for two more days after that before I was able to come home the day after I woke up," she says, stopping to adjust as her thigh was falling asleep.

"Um, as far as recovery, I have a long road ahead of me when it comes to my left hand. Despite those unfortunate circumstances during surgery, the surgeon did a wonderful job reconnecting everything to the best of his abilities. Hopefully I'll regain full function in a few months. My right hand is a lot better. I just got the stitches in my knuckle removed. Now, I just have to take it easy until it's healed," she says, showing that she could move the fingers on her right hand.

"With all that being said, there are a few things I want to address. If by some reason, you think you, Chae-Yeong, or anyone else deserves an apology—you won't be getting one. I'll repeat that in Korean so everyone's on the same page," she says, doing just that before continuing.

"Nobody deserves one honestly. She shouldn't apologize to Chae-Yeong when she was obviously the aggressor and you as netizens don't deserve an apology for what you saw on a video you chose to watch—which was also only available because of Chae-Yeong," Jimin adds.

"Exactly. It'll be a snowy day in hell before I apologize to that girl or any of you for the graphic nature of the video you chose to watch. Another thing I think is worth addressing is the fact that people don't see us as people, let alone soulmates. Now regardless of whether we were soulmates or not, I still would've reacted the way I did. What I probably wouldn't have done though is black out the way I did. I think some of you should take the time to really think about how you would feel if you were in my shoes and that was your significant other or parent or friend—someone you really care about. You should be worried, scared, angry—all those are normal. Now imagine those feelings times 10. We as soulmates—we're not wired the same as other humans. Our DNA is different; thinking and feeling is different. When we're all thinking and feeling similar things, it consumes you."

"Especially when it's that strong. We were all panicking on top of that so I can't imagine the restraint it took for you to focus in that moment. I don't know if I would've been able to without making things worse," Tae adds.

"I don't know how I held it together honestly. I'm just glad I did. That brings me to the next thing I wanted to address—how things were handled behind the scenes. In the midst of panicking, feeling everything times 10 from all of us, the security team did try to brief me on how to de-escalate the situation. However, what they were telling me didn't apply to the situation at hand. They were advising me to talk to her like she was about to jump off the building, not like she had my goddamned soulmate hostage. In short, they were useless and I winged it. The company is at fault for a lot here, as you all know. The criminal was hired through nepotism; security was not up to par; the way they tried to handle things afterwards was disgusting. However, we had a sit down with Bang PD and addressed everything, which led to him taking those actions he spoke about in the press conference. He's working really hard to get the company back to its core values, which I personally love to see. With that being said, I won't be leaving the company and neither will BTS," she says, looking back at Joon so he could kick off the last announcement.

"We are staying with the company, but we want to announce that we are going on a hiatus. We don't know when we'll resume as normal as that will depend on how we're all doing mentally. The incident took a toll on us all and we don't want to rush healing from it. I think all my soulmates can agree when I say that we cherish time with each other even more now as well. This isn't to say that you won't get new music from us. We're going to finish the album we're working on and some of us are taking some time to work on solo projects as well. We just won't be bound by a schedule. Love to those who understand but peace to those who don't," he says, his attitude making her hold back a smile.

Joon had been very no-nonsense ever since the incident and she couldn't say she hated it. It was his way of protecting them from the outside world in a way.

"As Joon stated, we're all going on a hiatus. What happened affected us all mentally and we're all about prioritizing mental health. You can still expect music from us, but we won't be bound to a schedule. Love to those who understand and peace to those who don't. Thank you for tuning in and hearing us out. Until next time."

A/N: I've been thinking long and hard on this book...pause 🤣
Anyways, I think there's only going to be a few more chapters before I start the 3rd book. It'll have a different theme than this book, just like this one had a different theme than the 1st 😉


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