Your Mine

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⚠️⚠️Minor Smut⚠️⚠️

Finneys pov

Me and Bruce were going to a party at Vance's house Robin would be there too. I have the biggest crush on him of course he's straight, literally has girls all over him, and besides that the only times we talk is when I wrap his hands because he fights a lot.
Me and Bruce walk into his house and that's where I started getting nervous, to many people, but I promised Bruce I would try to be more social. "Hey Finney, I'm gonna talk to Vance, do whatever you want, and remember don't be scared to talk to people" he smiled at me and I gave a nervous one back then he went to Vance who was by the drinks, I turned around and accidentally bumped into a random boy, "Hey wanna dance" I was about to say no bu then Bruce's word went through my head don't be scared to talk to people, do whatever you want......"sure". he put his hands on my waist and we both started dancing the night away, after 10 minutes of that, I could feel death stares from someone behind me, I looked behind me and saw Robin leaning against the wall, eyes glaring at the boy that I was dancing with, or maybe there was a girl dancing besides us and he was jealous of the boy she was dancing with, looked to see no girl. I looked back and he mouthed. 'Bathroom now' my face was turning red, "hey, umm Liam is it, I have to use the bathroom I'll be back" "yea maybe when you come back we could do more than just dance" that made me uncomfortable I looked back to see Robin gone, he's probably waiting, I head upstairs and look for the bathroom, before I stick my head in any door I was pulled into a room, oh it's the bathroom. The door slammed and I was nervous, somebody pinned me to the wall, and whispered in my ear. "So you like dancing with other guys " it was robin "I -I was just trying to be social" "well if being more social involves people touching your waist, then fuck being social" before I said anything else he smashed his lips against mine, roughly but still gentle his lips were soft, I closed my eyes and kissed back, hit bit my bottom lip, I open my mouth a little and he sticks his tongue in my mouth, making me moan, so embarrassing,  he puts his hand on my waist and I put mine on his shoulders, his lips made it's way down to my neck, now I was softly moaning, this kept going on for about a few more seconds then he bit my neck "~oh god Robin~" "maybe this.....should teach people not to take ....what's mine" he said between the kisses on my neck making hickeys as he was sucking on it to , I was a moaning mess, he makes his way back up to my lips,  by now my legs were already wrapped around his waist and him grabbing my ass, and on the wall, keeping me up which wasn't hard, I'm light as a feather.
We slowly break the kiss, the lights we're off but I could tell he was looking at me, "now go out there, and show Liam you don't have time for him" I just nodded he kissed me one more time and I got down. First I wanted to see what he did then I'll go, I turned the lights and stare in the mirror to see 6 hickeys on my neck, my eyes widen, I look at Robin who just smirked at me, my face was strawberry red so I walked out about to head downstairs, but then robin whispered in my ears "remember Finn, Your Mine" then he walked downstairs, left me frozen and blushing.

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