I Guess Dreams Do Come True

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Finney pov

Me and Robin were watching a movie over his house, I was laying on his chest and he was playing with my hair, "I have the most beautiful boyfriend ever" he kissed my forehead, I blushed, we've been dating since 7th grade, so 4 years now.
I lift my head up, he looks at me and I looked at him. I was so in love with him, and I was sure I knew he was in love with me too. I smiled, "Gorgeous smile, Beautiful eyes, Amazing Hair, what more could I ask for" he said "okay now your just teasing me" he chuckled. His laugh could light up the world I swear, he lit up mine, "I love you so much" he didn't even need to say it the look in his eyes were enough "I love you very much too" he kissed me and I smiled into it, it was a lust kiss, it was a passionate one, the one that leaves

a heart fluttering for decade's. He pulled back "You know someday when we get married it's gonna be so beautiful, like a dream, my dream is to put a ring on your finger and call you mine forever" i blushed "Imagine you proposed on one of our birthdays, that would be the best" I layed my head back down and looked at the movie.

Robins pov
He layed his head back down on my chest, what he said had me thinking, then I smiled. I looked at the movie eventually we both fell asleep, with my arm around his waist, and his arms around mine.

13 years later-Finneys birthday

Finney pov

I turn 27 today, Robin and me lived together, can't believe we've been together for 17 years, we were really meant to be, I felt two arm go around my waist, I smiled "Hey birthday boy" "Hey Robin" "you need to get ready, I'm taking you out" "I don't even have anything nice to wear" "that's why I bought Mi Princesa, a suit , go look in the room" I went to our bedroom and saw a lovely black suit "OMG THANK YOU" he walked in chuckled "now get ready we're leaving in 2 hours" I smiled and head the bathroom to shower

(I'm gonna name Time Skip to Havana)
Havana skip.....(ok maybe not)

Robins pov

Finn and I sat down and ordered our food, we were talking but then I had to use the bathroom

Finneys pov

"I have to use the bathroom mi amor, don't go anywhere"
I laugh I just sit I look around and I swear I saw someone familiar.
Then the light went off in the place.
"What the-"
A spotlight came on
I got up and turned around
I gasp as I saw Robin on 1 knee with a ring.

"Finn you make me the happiest man in this world, we knew each other for a long time, and I love seeing that smile on your face a smile that I would protect  with my life"

I was crying

"So would you continue being the love of my life and Marry Me"

"Yes yes a million time YES"
He put the ring on my finger and once he was done I jumped at him and kissed he picked me up

Everyone was clapping I knew I saw somebody familiar all of my friends were here and my sister

"You wanna eat now Mr. Future Arellano "

I smiled and blushed knowing that I will take his last name one day


"You know I guess dreams really do come true" he said

"Yea I guess so too" I smiled

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