Never Again

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Fluffy Angst
A bitch(Lisa):17
Modern au

Finney pov

I called robin, my husban- boyfriend.
"Hey Robin wanna meet at the Grab N' Go" I said smiling
"Yea sure Mi Amor, I'm right around the corner from it, see you there Cariño" I blushed, I loved it when he talked to me in Spanish. I heard someone come downstairs while I hung up the phone, "Hey Gwen, I'm going to the Grab N' Go to meet Robin" I said getting my jacket, "okay can you get me a a drink and Funyuns please" "yea sure, hold on let me get my money" I ran upstairs real quick, open my drawer, to take $28 away from the $50 cash I saved for the year.

I start walking to the Grab N' Go, I'm so excited to see Robin, even if he was only gone for a couple months it felt like forever, I made it up to the store and walk inside I look for robin and I see him I started walking towards, when a girl came and kissed him. I stopped in my tracks on the verge of tears. What the fuck was that I come to meet him and he pulls this bullshit. I stat walking up to him and stopped while I was right in front him "HOW COULD YOU?"

Robins pov

It's been 5 minutes since I got here now I was waiting for Finney, I missed him so much I can't wait to talk to him about my trip. I was in México for 3 months, but being away from Finn that long seemed like forever. I love him with all my heart. I heard the store door open I looked to if it was Finney, nope it was my ex-girlfriend, Lisa Carmona. We became friends after we broke up, or after I broke up with her for cheating on me, which gave me relief because she gave me nothing but stress. I hear the door open again, Yes it's Finney, he makes his way towards me, and I smile, then I felt someone's hand on my cheek's and someone lips on mine, I was to shocked to move, I look at Finney, and I tried pushing the person off of me, I get a good look at her, it was Lisa, i pushed her off with full force "HOW COULD YOU" I look over at Finney, "Wait Finn, I promise it's not what you think" "ITS EXACTLY WHAT I THINK, I COME BACK TO SEE YOU KISSING YOUR EX," "Please Finn, list-" "no we're done robin" I froze, and then he left, I saw everyone in the store staring at us, even pinball Vance, "don't let that fag get to you Robin get back with me" I look at her like I was about to murder someone "That FAG was my boyfriend, so you better get off of me before I slapped the shit out of you, cause believe me, I could care less if your girl." She looked offended "but baby" "GET THE FUCK OUT" she almost walked away until a Girl slapped the shit out of her, and started beating, it was Gwen deserved. Lisa got up clumsily and left. Gwen looked at me, and came up to me, less people were staring, and Pinball Vance , went back to his game. "Gwen I swear, I would never-" "I believe you, you need to go find Finney though, he doesn't wanna talk to me" "I'm pretty sure he doesn't wanna talk to me if he doesn't want to talk to his own sister" "Go Robin" "I'm going". I run out the store to look for Finney, We're done Robin those word haunted me, I need to get him back now. I look everywhere, I asked his dad, not home, look at the baseball park, not there, I even look in the first place we kissed, not there, then I realized. The first place we met. I headed there running as fast as lightning McQueen.

Finney pov

I was in the Bathroom, the place where me and Robin first met, Maybe I should've let him explain, I'm being a Whitney bitch now, why am I crying, I broke up with him. If he wanted to go back to hi ex he could've just talked to me. I would've understood, heart-broken, but understand. I hear a door open and someone says my name. "Finn?" It was Robin "I didn't come out the stall but Robin saw my feet and stopped in front of my stall. "Finn please let me in" "No" "look please, I wanna tell you what happened" "I don't wanna hear it" I actually did but I'm not in the mood right now, I hear Robin sigh "Fine you leave me no choice." I see him walk away. Is that really all I had to do. Nope, he climbed over from the other stall and landed in front of me. He sits and looks at me, I look at him , but look down again, my face was red from crying so damn much. "Finney look at me please" he takes my small hand, into his large ones, i really had girl hands. "Finney, I'm so sorry, okay Lisa kissed me when you were walking up to me, I tried pushing her off but she wouldn't budge, please I don't want our relationship to end because of that toxic bitch, please Finney" he was on the verge of tears , I just cried more, because it all made sense, when Lisa and Robin, Lisa made Robin stay away from me, which caused me to get bullied more "I'm sorry Robin, should've let you explain earlier

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