"You don't understand how much I love this place Theo."

"I love that you love it, which one shall we take today?"

"To do what?"

A cheeky smile forms on his face as his eyes are full of mischief. "Just pick a car angel."

I walk away from him inspecting the cars, I act as though I'm in thought but in reality Theo's stare is doing things to me. "Hmmm" I don't even know anything about cars. I point to one of the new cars that have been added to the collection. "This one."

"Good choice, perfect for what we're going to be doing." Theo finds the keys to the car in a safe. "Give me a sec to take it out." He holds a button on the wall which makes a side wall open. He walks to the car and sits inside, he drives it out and calls someone as he parks it on the road. The sound of the car ignites everything in my body. He returns and holds the button again to close the opening, then takes my hand and we walk out of the warehouse, closing the door. 

I sit in the car and I already feel out of place, this is too luxurious for me. "Wow."

"Do you like it?" Theo asks proudly as he starts the car and begins to drive off.

"I love it, who bought this one?"

"It was my choice but we all put money in for it. The guys wanted to drive it too." 

"I don't blame them. I mean -" I begin to scream as Theo accelerates the car quickly.

He laughs at my reaction, then turns the music up as he begins to speed down small roads. My heart feels like it's going to fall out of my chest. 

I'm going to die. 

"Theo!" I scream. That, of course, only fuels his laughs.

I don't know how this car has survived so far, every tight road that Theo speeds through feels like it'll be too close.

I peak over to him as a bright smile is plastered on his face. Even though I'm probably going to die right now at least Theo looks cute and is having fun.

We end up on a long stretch of road, Theo increases his speed further as he weaves in and out of other cars. He wasn't joking when he said we were going to go for a ride. I hold my breath as he narrowly misses other cars. 

Does he want everyone to die today?

Eventually he reaches an empty carpark, I turn down the music. "All this way for a carpark?" I say smugly.

He laughs as he turns the music back up then begins to drive slowly. 

Oh shit.

He puts his foot down on the accelerator and quickly moves his steering wheel as the car glides throughout the carpark, leaving smoke behind as the tyres burn. I start screaming, I feel like any minute now we're going to hit into a wall. My body moves in reaction of the car and Theo continues to have his fun whilst I'm trying to keep myself in one place.

He drifts one time after the other then begins to drift in a circle, creating a donut. This one is so much better than the others as it feels a bit stable. The smell of tyres burning fills up my senses. I look over to him as his hands are on the steering wheel, controlling the car. I'm fighting the urge to just grab a hold of his face and kiss him. But I know if I do that he'd lose focus and we'd both be dead. 

He slows down and drives towards the exit. 

"Wait what are you doing? Is that it?" I say startled. Even though I was holding for my life I liked the adrenaline it gave me and I don't want it to end now.

He smacks his hand on my thigh then squeezes it. "What happened to 'Ahhhh Theo! Help me! I'm so scared!'" He bursts into laughter after mocking me.

I can't help but laugh along as I move his hand away from me. "Leave me alone."

"No." He places his hand back on my thigh. "If I keep doing more the tyres will be bald and I'd have to replace them. It's better if I let one of the guys have their fun and it can be their problem."

"Ohhh that's so sneaky."

Theo glances at his rear view mirror. "Look behind you." He states with excitement plastered in his voice.

I turn to look at where we were drifting and all I can see are dark tyre marks over the carpark. I can't believe we did all of that. 

I laugh in joy, "That's so cool, teach me."

"Learn how to handle it as the passenger first then I will." He takes my hand as he travels back to the warehouse.

The journey home was peaceful, the night is beginning to get darker but I miss the adrenaline rush that I had. The energy that has been boosted inside me hasn't left yet and I just want to release it.

As Theo and I are walking to the front door of his house, Matt opens it. "Hey, I'm going to go out to collect food, do you both want to come?"

"Yes." I respond quickly, I have too much energy.

"I can't man, I need to finish off a few things here. Go ahead Savannah, make sure he doesn't drop anything." Theo snickers as he walks into the house.

"Shut up Theo that was one time!" Matt shouts out as Theo shuts the door in his face.

I begin to laugh. "Tell me the story."

Matt ignores me as he shakes his head whilst walking to his car.

I follow him, still laughing. "Oh come on Matt, what happened?"

"I'm not telling you." His hand glides over the door handle of his car. "If you're not sat in the car by the time I sit in, I'm leaving you behind."

Without another second passing I run to the passengers side of his car and try the handle but the door won't open. 

I hear Matt's irritating laugh inside the car then a click indicating the door is unlocked. I sit in his car as I glare at Matt.

"Chill out a bit, it's just a door. Are you on your period or something?" He questions as starts the car.

I roll my eyes. "I'm not even going to reply to that. I was only joking, I'm not mad."

"Yeah me too." He turns on the music, puts his car in drive and begins to pull onto the road.

I get a thought. "Can you drift?"

A smirk forms on his face as he keeps his eyes on the road. "Why?"

"Will you drift now?"



Heyyyyy a few things from me,

Firstly, thank you to those genuine readers I appreciate you!

I'm really excited for this book and I can't wait for you to read more!

Thank you to the first voter on the book @Justasimp3201 make sure to check them out <3

Don't forget to vote, comment, let me know your thoughts 

Thank you all bye bye x

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