Prizes at the State Fair

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All too soon the kiss came to an end, Killian opened the car door for her and she got in with a smile on her face. Killian bent down before he closed the door, "Would you like to go on a picnic with me next weekend? Jake and Jocelyn can join, and the weather is supposed to be great. So, what do you say?" He asked with a charming dimpled grin.

When Scarlett saw the smile, she couldn't help but give one back, and the butterflies that she had thought were under control, burst free once again. "Well, when you put it like that, how can a girl say no?" She replied with a chuckle.

"You can't, that's the point!" Killian winked cheekily as he dipped his head further in and kissed her once more. "Alright, I'll text you later and finalize the details. Make sure you text me when you get home, see you later, babe."

"Alright, I will, see you later!" She blew him a kiss and with that, he shut the door. Glancing outside, she saw Jocelyn sharing a long kiss with Jake, grinning at her friend, she saw them part and Jocelyn make her way to the car.

"I think I'm in love! He is so sexy, and I think that kiss was the hottest one of my life, I kid you not! Killian is handsome too, girl how did we get so lucky?!" Jocelyn stated as she waved her hand in front of her face.

"Would it be weird if I said that I could tell? I looked up and happened to see that last kiss, and it made me blush! Don't get ahead of yourself though, you always do this and then end up heartbroken when the jerk leaves you for someone else. We just met these guys and we need to see how things go." Scarlett replied with caution.

"Not that I don't appreciate your advice, because I do, but you tend to do the opposite of me, you close yourself off and the guy realizes it and doesn't want to try anymore. So give Killian a chance, please, and I'll try not to get ahead of myself." Jocelyn reasoned as she looked at Scarlett intently.

Pulling onto the highway, Scarlett thought about what Jocelyn said, "You may be right. Can you blame me though? Every single time I have put my heart out there, I've gotten hurt. If they cared about me they would have stuck around." She stated emphatically, feeling slightly scared at what Killian may do in the future.

To say that she liked him a lot was an understatement she liked him more than anyone she had ever met before. Maybe she needed to take her advice and take it one day at a time.

"Speaking of the guys, Killian invited you, Jake, and me to go on a picnic next weekend. I told him that I would love to, I figured you wouldn't say no unless you and Jake made other plans?" Scarlett informed her, as she suddenly remembered the invitation.

"Way to bury the lead! All we arranged was that we were going to hang out again, this is an amazing idea, I need to text him immediately!" Jocelyn got her phone out quickly and began typing ferociously. The ding that echoed in the car and the beaming smile that stretched across her face gave Scarlett all the answers she needed. It was confirmed a moment later when Jocelyn said, "He said that Killian just told him and we are a go! Jake wants to know how close we are to home."

"Shouldn't be too much longer now, another half hour and we will be home." The girls continued to chat occasionally, at one point Scarlett turned on the radio to keep her company, Jocelyn had taken to texting Jake full time.

Before long they both arrived home, and soon Scarlett was in her room and texting Killian. He already knew they had gotten home, from Jake, but he was glad to hear from her. They texted for a little while before finally wishing her a good night.

'Dream of me baby girl ;)'.

'I just might, ;).'

'Good, because I'll be dreaming of you.' Sending a kissing face, at the end.

It Began in SummerWhere stories live. Discover now