Interval 1: Catching Up

Start from the beginning

"Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence, Uncle." Y/n frowned a bit, folding his arms.

"It's really not like that-! It's more like..." Mic tried to defend himself. But Y/n held up his hand.

"No, I get it. To be honest." Y/n lost his smile, wearing a serious expression, "I was worried that I wouldn't make it..." Y/n gained a smile again, "I almost died in every element. Fire, water, you name it!"

"Well, if I remember correctly, Y/n." Midnight gained an angry aura, gripping Y/n's ear and pulling, "I thought you promised me you'd never become a hero. Now look at all the trouble you're in."

"Well, I'm not like those people that left because of the incident." Y/n pulled his ear back. "So I can't be that much trouble...I worded that wrong but you know what I mean...I think..."

"Well, it's understandable." Midnight sadly spoke, "many parents lost trust in our school's ability to keep our children safe. To some degree they are right."

"Which is why we're gonna have a bunch of meeting with-" Mic started to say but Y/n uses his quirk and tapped Mic's body, stopping him from speaking.

"Well, that should save you some trouble. I didn't hear nothing." Y/n chuckled with a playful smirk.

"The ladies, I'm sure, are concerned about your quirk. Though, you better not have gotten a girlfriend in the time without seeing each other for a while." Midnight, would usually be teasing, was being dead serious with her firm tone.

"Which I still don't get. Why teach me to flirt if you think I'm gonna listen to the No-dating rule that you made up?" Y/n shrugged with a little bit of annoyance.

"I thought you would put your studies before relationships. You're old enough now to, hopefully, be able to handle it." Midnight whacked Y/n over the head with rolled up papers. "You makin' friends at least?"

"Hehehe," Y/n rubbed under his nose with a cocky smirk, "who do you take me for? Dad?"

"Ahaha! He's got you there, Midnight! Quick save!" Mic spoke once again, high-fiving Y/n, "plus, he's gotten friends with almost his whole class."

Midnight raised an eyebrow, "be careful of who you choose to become your friends. Everyone has a side of them that they keep hidden away. Even you."

"Even me?" Y/n repeated.

"Even you. You might not realize it, but you struggle with it right now." Midnight pointed to Y/n's chest, "don't let that darkness inside sweep you up inside."

"Okay, that's super cryptic." Y/n waved it off. "Doesn't fit you at all, or your character."

"Not as cryptic as those messages you sent to Mic, Mic Ranger!" Midnight teases as Y/n blushed and held his face.

"AAAAAAHH!!! DON'T REMIND ME OF THAT!!" Y/n held his face and rolled on the ground.

"It's okay, Y/n! Mic Ranger is my greatest sidekick!" Mic tried to save the situation but Midnight howled louder. "Oh calm down a little, Midnight! Give the kid a break! After all, he only learned how to speak those epic one liners and say what's on his mind thanks to our training and our countless adventures."

"I want to die." Y/n held his head down on the floor, gripping the ground with despair.

"Oh come on, Y/n. It's not the hardest thing to sallow. Remember, you have that Sports festivals. You'll need to get back up." Midnight claims and helped Y/n pull himself up. "As long as you stay true to yourself, you'll do the best you can do."

"And don't be afraid to go beyond and shoot for your limits! We'll be there to cheer you on!" Mic shouted with a chuckle. "Plus, if you do fail, just walk it off!"

Y/n chuckled, "right. I've had something similar running through my head. Don't freeze up. Keep smiling, for as long as you can..."

Mic's heart froze for a moment before he wondered, "that's...where did you hear that?"

"Huh?" Y/n laughed and waved it off, "that's my M.O. Totally original!"

"Y/n Aizawa! Enter!" Nezu's voice is heard over the announcer as Y/n walks towards the principal's office dejected. Midnight teasing him in the background.

"So, he's that type of person, eh, Mic." Midnight talked a bit more seriously as Mic silently nodded.

"'He' would've liked Y/n. Maybe I should introduce Y/n to who 'he' was one day." Mic says before he sits down at his desk, "but for now, he needs to focus on getting ready for the Sports Festival."

"Right. I wonder why Aizawa's never done so before." Midnight says as Aizawa is seen leaning on the outside of the staff room. Hearing everything on the inside. Aizawa says nothing before he simply walks away.

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