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"Allah paak now it's two months of our marriage, we're living together under the same roof but the thought that Deni doesn't love me always clenches my heart, if you've tied us in this bond then develop love in Deni's heart too. I love him from the deepest core of my heart, he's the best man I could ever get, he cares about my feelings, he corrects me when I'm wrong, he boosts my confidence, he treats me kindly... He does everything for me other than loving me... Only one room is empty in my life— Allah paak please fill this room too. Please."

"Allah ki naik bandi roza khulne mein sirf 10 minat reh gye hain, aa bhi jao." A voice falls in my ears and I conclude my prayers with "Aameen. Summa Aameen."

(Worshiper of Allah, there are only 10 minutes for breaking the fast. Now come soon.)

"Ji aa rhi hu." I stood up while folding the prayer mat and moved towards the kitchen in a hurry.

(Yeah, coming.)

Maids leave soon in Ramzaan and now it's my duty to set the dining table before iftar (time to break the fast), in the beginning of Ramzaan Ammi, was helping me in this tiny work but I didn't like her working when I'm present. Otherwise, also it's small work. "Give it to me." I turned back after hearing that and find out Deni. He was there to help me, "I'm bringing this, you take water bottles and the jug of juice." He nodded to my demand and we both walked together holding things in our hands.

"Ammi where are your medicines?" Deni asked, but before ammi could answer I brought the box from her bedroom and placed that in front of her. She must take her medicines as soon as she breaks her fast. "Khatija, you're not looking well. What's wrong?" Baba asked and Ammi shook her head while mumbling that she was fine but no, she wasn't.

"I guess her sugar level is low," I told Deni and he stood up, "where are you going Deni?" I asked in a hurry while placing glasses of water in front of everyone as there were only a few seconds in breaking the fast.

"Let me check her glucose levels." And in no time Deni brings the glucometer. I could do any work but not checking the glucose levels... I feel scared to poke the niddle, so only Deni does that work. He was checking it when we all heard the voice of Azaan. His hands were busy so he couldn't have dates. Ammi and Baba have already broken their fasts but not us.

"Deni..." I whispered and he turned towards me. I broke a date into half gave one piece to him and consumed the remaining half by myself while he was now checking Baba's glucose levels.

"Ammi, you eat fruits more, and baba you don't eat anything sweet," Deni suggested. And I accordingly put the food on their plates, meanwhile, he came back after washing his hands and took his seat beside me. The smile he passed me was enough to give me another level of contentment. I silently passed Ammi's medicine and this time she showered both of us with her blessings. I have been living in a new world where love was at its zenith, brightening my life in every possible manner. If something was missing from my life it was Deni's love. Nothing else.

After having food and beverage we all prayed namaz and then I was free for some time. Deni was laying on the bed and
I was sitting beside him. As usual, he was lost in reading a book and I was watching him. "Deni..."

"Hmm?" Placing down the book on his chest he looked at me but I was silent... I don't know why I did call his name when there was no topic of discussion. "Kuch chahiye?"

(Want something?)

He asked but I shook my head, I didn't want anything other than his love and attention.

"Eid ki shopping puri karli na aapne?" He asked and I nodded.

(You're done with the eid shopping. Right?)

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